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Re: Debian and Ubuntu packages - 2015/06/03

From: Alessandro Sangiuliano
Subject: Re: Debian and Ubuntu packages - 2015/06/03
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2015 09:36:16 +0200

Hello, nice work!

In the repo links you posted, I don’t see vindaloo and popplerkit, I just see iconkit.

Do you used clang for the build process?

Il giorno 03/giu/2015, alle ore 13:14, Philippe Roussel <p.o.roussel@free.fr> ha scritto:

Hi all,

I updated packages for sid (amd64), trusty (amd64) and wheezy (i386
and amd64). Packages are built with the available clang and libobjc2
(called libobjcgs).

Please note that I haven't tested any of this yet.

Packages list (some may be missing):
* gnustep-{make,base,gui,back} and related dev packages
* gdl2
* easydiff
* edenmath
* pantomime
* gnumail
* gorm
* projectcenter
* gworkspace
* gnustep-examples
* laternamagica
* lusernet
* notebook
* poe
* terminal
* textedit
* systempreferences
* vindaloo (with iconkit and popplerkit from Etoile)
* waiho
* renaissance
* zipper
* helpviewer
* cynthiune
* dbuskit
* addressmanager
* agenda
* fisicalab
* performance
* rsskit
* grr
* price

Everything is under the following url :


For example, for trusty amd64 you can add to sources.list :

deb http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/packages/trusty/amd64/ ./

Please let me know if you find this useful, if a package is broken, if
you would like to add another package to the list etc.

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A: "Hey dude, where are you from?"
B: “I’m from Uros”
A: “What?”
B: “Uros, the Uranos' world capital”
A: “Hey dude, you look so strange and white. You should eat some meat!”
B: “We don’t need to eat”
A: “Hey man, that dude looks so strange, He doesn’t need to eat”
C: “OMG! So strange, he also is so white!”
D: “Why do I have to hunt to eat and survive and he doesn’t need to eat to survive? I hate him!”

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