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Re: GWorkspace question

From: Charles Philip Chan
Subject: Re: GWorkspace question
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 16:52:28 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On 29 Oct 2014, eancaer@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Edwin:

> So it is not I that choose an application, it is the application that
> decides the file types it can open.
> Is there a way to tell what extensions an editor is handling?

Yes, this info is in the Resources/Info-gnustep.plist of the app
wrapper. For example this the one that I made for Emacs:

  NSExecutable = "Emacs";
  NSRole = "Editor";
  NSIcon = "Emacs.tiff";
        XAppWrapper = YES;
  NSTypes = (
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "h" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.h.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "cpp" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.cpp.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "php" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.php.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "pl" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.pl.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "py" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.py.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "java" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.java.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "sh" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.sh.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "m" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.m.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "c" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.c.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "html", "htm", "xhtml" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.html.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "org" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.org.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "txt", "text", "el" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.txt.tiff";

I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few
months.  I just love debugging ;-)
(Linus Torvalds)

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