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Re: Ubuntu and Debian packages / 2013-09-27

From: Philippe Roussel
Subject: Re: Ubuntu and Debian packages / 2013-09-27
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2013 20:54:36 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Sat, Oct 05, 2013 at 08:32:55PM +0200, Philippe Roussel wrote:
> Hi Gabriel,
> On Thu, Oct 03, 2013 at 11:56:28AM -0700, Gabriel Sulliger wrote:
> > Nice what you did. I love the goals of the Hurd, and with the latest
> > Debian Hurd 2013 release, I think that the Hurd is going better each
> > day. So you updated packages for i386 and AMD64 processors
> > architectures and what about trying to port GNUSTEP as the first Hurd
> > GUI? Because I heard that Gnome and KDE don't works. If GNUSTEP can
> > live upon the Hurd servers, it would be a big step done for the Hurd
> > project and a GNEWSTEP (;-P) in the GNUSTEP adventure.
> Running GNUstep on the Hurd is a nice idea but not one I'm willing to
> work on, sorry. I'm already spending too much time on my computer to play
> with stuff that will probably never go anywhere.

Let me correct this : the Hurd is built around a lot of nice concepts
and could be a great platform for lots of stuff but I'm not an os
developer (ok, maybe one day !) and what I want is a system that
allows me to work everyday with my laptop.

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