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Re: gnustep.org domain

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: gnustep.org domain
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 23:10:33 +0200

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 6:15 PM, Adam Fedor <fedor@gnu.org> wrote:
Sorry, I must have missed your earlier email.

The gnustep.org domain is hosted by oxymium.net.  You can contact Manuel Guesdon about it (best to try  "support at oxymium.net" for a request). We should probably prioritize what we want most and present a request to him about it, and let him comment on the amount of work that needs to be done.

The web site content however is all on CVS at savannah.gnu.org.   If you'd like to change that and don't have write access, let me know and I can add you.

Hi Adam,

I'll find some time to figure out how to set up a toy system, ideally with:
- IMAP+SMTP (probably Dovecot and Postfix)
- XMPP (probably Prosody)

Once that works, to get that to work for our communication we'll just need to set up some A, MX and PTR records on the domain to point to whatever server we pick to host these services. I could do the initial hosting until a permanent home is found for these services.

XMPP server can serve for both IM communication and to host a chatroom. Some sort of realtime communication system that we can agree upon and which does not depend on proprietary commercial providers is, I think, essential; today I had an unpleasant experience that the messages sent from my XMPP server to a Google Talk user went straight to /dev/null, courtesy of the new "our Hangouts architecture is not based on XMPP" policy.

Also, if we just use the email addresses as 'vanity aliases', then IMAP is probably not even required; but, it's not troublesome either.

When it comes to the website, I'll try preparing some static HTML homepage stuff. I've been thinking of throwing something together with Twitter Bootstrap just so it looks "fancier" and "more approachable". If I come up with anything, I'll poke again.
Ivan Vučica

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