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Anyone able to help with gdl2?

From: Graham Lee
Subject: Anyone able to help with gdl2?
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 16:31:36 +0100


Having submitted a couple of patches to get GDL2 and EOModelEditor working on 
my Mac (see bugs 39289, 39290, 39299), I'm finding that a simple (one-key) 
custom record isn't working correctly. Perhaps the problem is between my 
keyboard and my chair. I _think_ I'm setting the GDL2 editing stack up 
correctly, but would appreciate pointers.

Here's what I'm trying:

- (void)executeCommand: (AddPersonCommand *)command
  NSAutoreleasePool *localPool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
  NSParameterAssert([command isKindOfClass: [AddPersonCommand class]]);
  EOModel *model = [EOModel modelWithContentsOfFile: [[NSBundle mainBundle] 
pathForResource: @"SignUp" ofType: @"eomodeld"]];
  EODatabase *database = [EODatabase databaseWithModel: model];
  EODatabaseContext *dbContext = [EODatabaseContext 
databaseContextWithDatabase: database];
  EOObjectStoreCoordinator *coordinator = [EOObjectStoreCoordinator new];
  [coordinator addCooperatingObjectStore: dbContext];
  EOEditingContext *context = [[EOEditingContext alloc] 
initWithParentObjectStore: coordinator];
  [context setDelegate: self];
  Person *newPerson = nil;
  EOEntity *personEntity = [model entityNamed: @"Person"];
  newPerson = [[personEntity classDescriptionForInstances]
                     createInstanceWithEditingContext: context
                                             globalID: nil
                                             zone: NULL];
  [newPerson setValue: command.name forKey: @"personName"];
  [context saveChanges];
  [newPerson release];
  [context release];
  [localPool release];

What I know:
 - the model is being loaded correctly
 - the database is getting the correct adaptor and connection dictionary from 
the model
 - the model's index.eomodeld identifies the Person entity:
    EOModelVersion = 2;
    adaptorName = PostgreSQL;
    connectionDictionary = {
      /* redacted */
    entities = (
            className = Person;
            name = Person;
    storedProcedures = (
 - "Person" is the class generated in EOModelEditor, and is defined in 
Person.plist in the model:
    attributes = (
            allowsNull = Y;
            columnName = name;
            externalType = text;
            name = personName;
            valueClassName = NSString;
    className = Person;
    externalName = Person;
    name = Person;
    relationships = (
 - the newPerson object is an instance of the Person class
 - the personEntity object is correct, in that the attributes listed there 
match those set in EOModelEditor
 - the -setValue:forKey: line raises "this class is not key value 
coding-compliant for the key personName."
 - [newPerson attributeKeys] is empty

I know 'personName' is an odd choice - I was using 'name' but changed it in 
case I was clobbering something. That produced no effect on behaviour, though. 
It looks to me like the entity/object is being set up correctly, but that the 
EOEntityClassDescription is not looking up the attributes in a way I'd expect. 
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks for your help,


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