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Re: Interesting error in GWorkspace

From: Eric Wasylishen
Subject: Re: Interesting error in GWorkspace
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 17:15:33 -0600

On 2011-09-07, at 3:41 PM, Riccardo Mottola wrote:

> Hi Eric
> Here you go...
>> Hm, I can't reproduce this :-(. Could you set breakpoints on "error: 
>> determinant of matrix is 0!" and "Required arguments not specified creating 
>> NSBitmapImageRep" and print the backtraces please?
>> I've seen the "Required arguments not specified creating NSBitmapImageRep" 
>> error before; I think it comes from -[NSBitmapImageRep 
>> initWithFocusedViewRect:] . That method needs to check that the given rect 
>> is valid before trying to create a bitmap.
> #0  -[NSBitmapImageRep 
> initWithBitmapDataPlanes:pixelsWide:pixelsHigh:bitsPerSample:samplesPerPixel:hasAlpha:isPlanar:colorSpaceName:bitmapFormat:bytesPerRow:bitsPerPixel:]
>  (self=0xba13a0b4, _cmd=0xbba52f20, planes=0x0, width=48,
>    height=48, bps=8, spp=4, alpha=1 '\001', isPlanar=0 '\000',
>    colorSpaceName=0xbbb065cc, bitmapFormat=0, rowBytes=0, pixelBits=0)
>    at NSBitmapImageRep.m:492
> #1  0xbb82e4c4 in -[NSBitmapImageRep(GSPrivate) _initFromTIFFImage:number:] (
>    self=0xba13a0b4, _cmd=0xbba52ed8, image=0xbab2b000, imageNumber=0)
>    at NSBitmapImageRep.m:1897
> #2  0xbb82e259 in +[NSBitmapImageRep imageRepsWithData:] (self=0xbba52de0,
>    _cmd=0xbba8e598, imageData=0xba130234) at NSBitmapImageRep.m:275
> #3  0xbb8aeb52 in +[NSImageRep imageRepsWithContentsOfFile:] (self=0xbba8e180,
>    _cmd=0xbba8bff0, filename=0xba1016e4) at NSImageRep.m:237
> #4  0xbb8a6f63 in -[NSImage(Private) _loadFromFile:] (self=0xba108fd4,
>    _cmd=0xbba8bc98, fileName=0xba1016e4) at NSImage.m:1895
> #5  0xbb8aa109 in -[NSImage _representationsWithCachedImages:] (
>    self=0xba108fd4, _cmd=0xbba8bea8, flag=1 '\001') at NSImage.m:1416
> #6  0xbb8a5a9e in -[NSImage representations] (self=0xba108fd4, 
> _cmd=0xbba8bce0)
>    at NSImage.m:1542
> #7  0xbb8a91a4 in -[NSImage copyWithZone:] (self=0xba108fd4, _cmd=0xbb6fdf78,
>    zone=0xbb72ed80) at NSImage.m:506
> #8  0xbb4e22f7 in -[NSObject copy] (self=0xba108fd4, _cmd=0xbba4bdc0)
>    at NSObject.m:1332
> the filename it tries to open at line #3 is:
> /Local/Applications/GWorkspace.app/Resources/FileManager.tiff
> The image is valid, PRICE can open it without problems.
> I get this error many times, sometimes with different stacktraces, like:
> #0  -[NSBitmapImageRep 
> initWithBitmapDataPlanes:pixelsWide:pixelsHigh:bitsPerSample:samplesPerPixel:hasAlpha:isPlanar:colorSpaceName:bitmapFormat:bytesPerRow:bitsPerPixel:]
>  (self=0xba13a564, _cmd=0xbba52f20, planes=0x0, width=48,
>    height=48, bps=8, spp=4, alpha=1 '\001', isPlanar=0 '\000',
>    colorSpaceName=0xbbb065a8, bitmapFormat=0, rowBytes=192, pixelBits=32)
>    at NSBitmapImageRep.m:492
> #1  0xbb82c7ef in -[NSBitmapImageRep(GSPrivate) 
> _convertToFormatBitsPerSample:samplesPerPixel:hasAlpha:isPlanar:colorSpaceName:bitmapFormat:bytesPerRow:bitsPerPixel:]
>  (self=0xba13a0b4, _cmd=0xbad7eab0, bps=8, spp=4, alpha=1 '\001',
>    isPlanar=0 '\000', colorSpaceName=0xbbb065a8, bitmapFormat=0,
>    rowBytes=192, pixelBits=32) at NSBitmapImageRep.m:2142
> #2  0xbad4c5cb in getStandardBitmap (image=<value optimized out>)
>    at XGServerWindow.m:142
> #3  0xbad53a12 in -[XGServer(WindowOps) _createAppIconPixmaps] (
>    self=0xbab4ec44, _cmd=0xbad7ecd0) at XGServerWindow.m:2783
> #4  0xbad514c6 in -[XGServer(WindowOps) orderwindow:::] (self=0xbab4ec44,
>    _cmd=0xbbaf8fd0, op=0, otherWin=-1, winNum=1) at XGServerWindow.m:2867
> #5  0xbb9a5339 in -[NSWindow orderWindow:relativeTo:] (self=0xba94d304,
>    _cmd=0xbba4bd60, place=NSWindowAbove, otherWin=-1) at NSWindow.m:1788
> #6  0xbb813605 in -[NSIconWindow orderWindow:relativeTo:] (self=0xba94d304,
>    _cmd=0xbbaf8f80, place=NSWindowAbove, otherWin=-1) at NSApplication.m:443
> #7  0xbb9a26cd in -[NSWindow orderFrontRegardless] (self=0xba94d304,
>    _cmd=0xbba4be48) at NSWindow.m:1687
Hmm. Something strange is going on because the code which throws the exception 

  if (!bps || !spp || !width || !height) 
      [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException
        format: @"Required arguments not specified creating NSBitmapImageRep"];

yet at frame 0 of both stack traces, bps, spp, width, and height are all 
non-zero, so the exception shouldn't be thrown..

> the other error I can't break into. I put a breakpoint in NSAffineTransform.m 
> line 253 but I never break into it, it is strange.

ok, gdb must be confused because there is an NSAffineTransform.m in both base 
and gui.

Sorry, I'm not sure what to try next :-/


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