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Re: GNOME Theme Improvements....

From: Eric Wasylishen
Subject: Re: GNOME Theme Improvements....
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 11:42:12 -0700

Just so everyone is on the same page, you can activate top-of-screen menus by 

"defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSMenuInterfaceStyle NSMacintoshInterfaceStyle"

and activate top-of-window menus by doing:

"defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSMenuInterfaceStyle NSWindows95InterfaceStyle"

I think the WinUX theme ignores this setting because it uses a native Windows 
menu control, but it should work with any other theme.


PS. should GnomeThemeInfo.plist have "NSMenuInterfaceStyle = 
NSWindows95InterfaceStyle" ?

On 2010-12-28, at 11:16 AM, David Chisnall wrote:

> We already have support for top-of-screen menu bars.  GNUstep provides a 
> simple one, and Étoilé extends this with a menu server.  Gregory is merging 
> the Étoilé patches so that GNUstep will automatically use a menu server if 
> one is available, or use the entire top of the screen if not.  
> Both top-of-screen and in-window menus share some code, because they both 
> need to move things like the default hide and quit menu items from the 
> top-level menu into the application menu, and they both need to make the menu 
> draw horizontally (just in a different location).
> The in-window menu is very important for integration with foreign 
> environments, such as Windows and GNOME, because that is how all of the other 
> applications on the system behave.  It doesn't matter how much better 
> Mac-style top-of-screen menu bars or NeXT-style menu bars are in theory - 
> they are much worse if you are the only application that does it.  
> If we want GNUstep to be the best development for GNOME and Windows desktops 
> (which I do, and I hope others do!), then we need good in-window menus, and 
> I'm really please do see the progress that Gregory has made in integration 
> with these platforms recently.  A user should not be able to easily tell the 
> difference between a GTK or Win32 app and a GNUstep app, and it's become 
> considerably harder for them to do so in the last year as a result of the 
> theme work by Gregory and others.  
> David
> On 28 Dec 2010, at 16:35, Banlu Kemiyatorn wrote:
>> May be my solution is more suitable for a GS or OSX users, as I just
>> dont want to make a sacrifice of the top to left accessibility for a
>> top of the window menu. But this built-in-window menu is sure welcome
>> as it seems integrated better with GNOME environment. Actually I am
>> currently looking at gnome-panel source right now
>> (panel-menu-bar.[ch]) and it looks pretty easy to have a vertical menu
>> as the replacement/addition to the Applications one or it could even
>> be a horizontal one.

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