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Re: XCB (Was Re: Window managers ( was Re: newbie question ))

From: hns
Subject: Re: XCB (Was Re: Window managers ( was Re: newbie question ))
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 11:32:56 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

I should have mentioned that the main speed limit is doing alpha-
blending on client side (Xrender does it where it belongs to: in the X
server). This means grabbing some portion from the screen buffer on
the server, sending over network, doing alpha blending, and sending
back. So each pixel is transferred twice. On non-networked servers
xlib has the option to use shared memory and on such machines this is
*very* fast...

Cairo uses Xrender, so should be very fast over a network.


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