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Start working on a 3d framework.

From: oren
Subject: Start working on a 3d framework.
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 22:00:40 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

I started working on a 3d framework called 3VA.
The data model will base around COLLADA and is heavily influenced by
Blender 2.5.
My goal is to use it to create a 3D modeler/animation tool and a
programmable 3D interactive engine.
(in ObjC and SeaMonkey JS since it's the only thing I'm familiar with,
got it work with Blender 2.5 to some extent).

Ideally I'd like to have a modeler similar to Houdini and a generic
engine like Quest3D.
The modeler part will be designed to allow nodal based construction
history. (first phase since I am working as a 3D modeler for living
and not a game programmer, I'm also free for hired for 3$/h
if anyone is interested, you can order a model for 3D printing from me
- and print it yourself via
shapeways.com for example. Anyway, let's get back to the topic!)

The engine part could be something resembling the idea of GORM (and

In case that anyone is working on similar softwares it would be nice
if we could share our efforts.

The code will be at
for now is pretty much for storage purpose.

I would also like to check the GNUstep 3DKit's design approach if
anyone could provide them.
The source in its trunk are only some useful math classes. Or if that
should reflect its design
then it would be nice if someone could explain them to me.


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