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Re: Start GNUstep.sh as early as possible in Xwindow session

From: Christopher Armstrong
Subject: Re: Start GNUstep.sh as early as possible in Xwindow session
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 14:59:05 +1000
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

I've been messing alot with .xsession and .xinitrc lately, and from what I can work out these are executed depending on how you use X (please check manuals before relying on this information, as I may be wrong).

.xinitrc is supposed to be called when you start X from a terminal with the "xinit" command, so it's likely to be ignored by a session manager.

.xsessionrc is supposed to be used by your session manager (xdm, gdm, kdm or wdm). I believe xdm uses this file in preference to the system-wide ones (/etc) if it exists. gdm, etc. have specific behaviour i.e. whether you set the session when you login or tell it to use your "default" session (.xsessionrc). They may even override it if you change your "default" session (I'm not sure though), which could be your .xsessionrc.

The man pages on xsession and xinit are interesting in this regard, and I recommend looking at them (inc. those for gdm/kdm/xdm).


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