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Re: Start GNUstep.sh as early as possible in Xwindow session

From: Charles Philip Chan
Subject: Re: Start GNUstep.sh as early as possible in Xwindow session
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:33:21 -0400

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 00:56:40 -0700
Tima Vaisburd <tima@vaisburd.net> wrote:

> I modified the first line of this script to be
> #!/bin/bash --login
> This way it reads $HOME/.bash_profile (but _not_ $HOME/.bashrc)
> so I put the line
>    source <path-to-GNUstep>/System/Library/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh
> in my ~/.bash_profile

You have to do this manually? Doesn't the default ~/.xsession of your
distro source the profile files? Mine has the following lines:

# Read system and user profile if not already done
if test -z "$XSESSION_IS_UP" ; then
    readonly XSESSION_IS_UP=yes
    export XSESSION_IS_UP
    test -r /etc/profile && { . /etc/profile > /dev/null 2>&1 ; }
    set +u > /dev/null 2>&1
    test -r ${HOME}/.profile && { . ${HOME}/.profile > /dev/null 2>&1 ; }
    set +u > /dev/null 2>&1

# Read the profile of tcsh users
case "$SHELL" in
    while read env ; do
        var="${env%%=*}" ; val="${env#*=}"
        test "$var" = "umask"  && umask $val
        test "$var" = "$val"   && continue
        eval export $var="\$val"
    done < <($SHELL -c 'test -r /etc/csh.login && source /etc/csh.login;
                        test -r $HOME/.login   && source $HOME/.login  ;
                        printenv; echo -n umask=; umask')

which does that.


panic("Attempted to kill the idle task!");

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