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Re: Zombie tracking....

From: Lloyd Dupont
Subject: Re: Zombie tracking....
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 09:59:22 +1000

OK, my bad.
In fact Zombie were working but I didn't know they were logging and I didn't check.
Indeed some Zombie method are called, I was right.
Now the problem is... I can't make my progam work with gdb.. :(
But I would like to know the stack (and VisualStudio can't break / understand ObjectiveC stack)
Is there any method call to to know the stack at runtime?
So that I could hack the zombie class to dump the stack.......

Lloyd Dupont

NovaMind development team
NovaMind Software
Mind Mapping Software
----- Original Message ----- From: "Benhur Stein" <benhur.stein@gmail.com>
To: "Lloyd Dupont" <lloyd@nova-mind.com>
Cc: "GNUstep Discussion" <discuss-gnustep@gnu.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:17 PM
Subject: Spam:******, Re: Zombie tracking....

Well, you can probably make a category of NSZombie that implements
the methods you want. Any zombied object would execute those methods
instead of their original ones.
Or maybe you could write specific zombies for specific classes, and alter
the code in NSObject where objects are zombified, to change them into
a specific class instead of the generic NSZombie.

Good luck,

On 4/11/06, Lloyd Dupont <lloyd@nova-mind.com> wrote:
I need to know not only if an object is deallocated twice (with zombies)
but, also, when a zombie object is used inapproprietely.
I cannot even start my application with GDB (which is a .NET application),
let alone debug it.
Problem is the ObjectiveC part of my application is opaque to
VisualStudion.NET debugger.

What I would like to do is write a DebugObject which will poseAs: NSObject and when it is deallocated replace all its instance method pointer by an IMP
of my making (which would, basicall, trace illegal call).

Any hint on how I could do that.
Constructing a fake isa pointer being a bit difficult I wonder if someone
could provide me some example doing just that.
Ideally I neek this fake isa pointer to feature the same instance method
pointer as the original, except they would all point to a method of my own

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