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Re: Love the language & API, would like to modify the UI

From: Ingolf Jandt
Subject: Re: Love the language & API, would like to modify the UI
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 00:44:21 +0100

"Issac Trotts" <issac.trotts@gmail.com> schrieb am 17.03.2006 01:35:20:
> I'm looking at the gui examples, wondering how to make them look and
> act more like regular Win32 apps when they run on Win32.
> How do I get the menu to be part of the application's main window?

If you don't like the menus: Have you tried out 'NSMacintoshInterfaceStyle'
(defaults write NSGlobalDomain 'NSMenuInterfaceStyle' 
That makes the menu be shown as a horizontal bar on top of the screen.

Putting the menus into the document windows needs some digging into the -gui 
implementation, and in my very personal opinion it does not comply so well with 
the openstep design which in the MDI/SDI question could be described as 
cooperating/controlled SDI. (As each document has one window, but one app in 
control of them.) Do you remember also Delphi had its main menu apart from the 
document views, and I never had the feeling it was no real Windows app.

> Is there a way to change the window background color to something
> other than dark gray?

The easiest way to change the colour scheme is to install Preferences.app from 
the backbone project. (It also saves your colour schemes as text files in 
~/GNUstep/Library/Color so you can easily edit it other than the cryptic 
System.clr file.)
It is apparently not actively developed, newer prefs apps should appear at 
Étoilé soon.

> The scrollbar does not respond to the mouse wheel.  How do I change this?
This seems to be a shortcoming of the windows port. Remember -gui is not yet 
stable (exspecially on Windows).
> It's not clear to me how to make the apps launch by clicking in
> explorer.  Any ideas?
I must admit it is some time since I tried out GNUstep on Windows, but clicking 
onto the .exe should work. This is puzzling to me.

> I can launch GSTest.app by cd'ing to the gnustep-examples-1.0.0/gui
> directory and typing openapp GSTest/GSTest.app but if I cd to the
> GSTest directory and type openapp GSTest.app it reports this error:
> Can't find the required application: GSTest.app!
Have you tried openapp ./GSTest.app? (In the unix world it is considered bad 
style to search in the current dir by default, as it raises security problems 
-- what about putting an executable into the user's home directory that deletes 

> How do I resize the windows with the mouse?
Don't understand this. There should be a resize bar at the bottom of your 
window (if its NSResizable flag is set) which works like in every other 

I say sorry for my momentarily mediocre English, I have had a couple of beers 
tonight. And I've tried to follow the finale of the German version superstar 
serial (unfortunately the one with the worse voice has won, perhaps just for 
looking like James Hatfield. So what. Who takes commercial TV channels 

Anyway, I wish you happy coding and God bless, my friend. (Bob Ross is great.)

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