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Re: FOSDEM 2006

From: Gerold Rupprecht
Subject: Re: FOSDEM 2006
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 13:42:48 +0100


I would be willing to proofread and review. English is my mother tongue, and I have some experience...

Gerold Rupprecht

On 2006-03-06 05:16:00 +0100 Jesse Ross <gnustep@jesseross.com> wrote:

But what was missing (compared to other projects) was to sell or
    - most recent brochures
    - CDs with debian and other prebuilt packages, plus recent source
    - T-Shirts
    - Books
    - screen shots at the pin-board


And for "book" we don't have one. Helge suggested to me to write one
and I have started to create a concept so that we have by next FOSDEM
some "GNUstep in a nutshell". I would volunteer as the editior and we
need some authors. Some chapters can be easily based on the slides
presented during FOSDEM 06. Ideas and volunteers welcome!

Great ideas!

If we do the book idea, I would certainly do whatever design/typesetting would be needed, and we might want to consider getting a bunch printed up on-demand style (a la CafePress) to sell -- shouldn't be too terribly expensive and we can always direct people to the site to purchase it if we sell out :)


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