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Re: GNUstep - Windows GUI ?

From: Alex Perez
Subject: Re: GNUstep - Windows GUI ?
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 11:16:35 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Peter Fisla wrote:
"Tom Koelman" <tkoelman@xs4all.nl> wrote in message 

The GNUstep-base-1.10.1-gui-0.9.4.exe installer doesn't contain the
NeXTSTEP interface. You should download that seperately and try to
compile it.

Tom Koelman

Thanks Tom, I'm a bit surprised because in the "..\System\Library\Images\" 
contains a whole bunch of NeXTSTEP icons
and images including arrows, toolbars and buttons. I suppose the above 
mentioned installer only comes
with with GUI libraries ? If I may ask, where can I get the NeXTSTEP interface 
for windows; I was wondering if you
could point me to the right direction. I also noticed that 
"..\Development\msys\1.0\installer\" contains
"start-gui-services.sh" and "install-gui.sh" where can I read about these shell 
scripts ? I'm new into the world
of GNUstep and I'm interested trying out the windows version and finding some 
documentation that would get me started.

What the heck do you mean by "the nextstep interface"? That's unbelievably ambiguous. You don't run the nextstep interface any more than you run the windows interface. You run applications. They happen to use an interface that's extremely similar to the original NeXT interface, but that's more or less irrelevant.

As of now, if you compile and run any GNUstep application under Windows, it will look exactly the same as it would under Linux or any other OS.

You may not think it, but your question is really ambiguous. Are you looking for developer tools?

Alex Perez

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