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Re: a question about Camaelon

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: a question about Camaelon
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 02:43:59 +0000

Le 22 févr. 05, à 17:29, Enrico Sersale a écrit :

I had some hard coded colors in GWorkspace so now I'm substituting them with system colors to make the app working with Camaelon.

nice :-)
actually, it's usefull not only with camaelon, but also when you use different system colors.. (see color prefs)

But I'm encountering some problems; Camaelon, in his turn, uses hard coded colors in various places.

just a few ;-) and Camaelon 2 isn't released yet.. I'll clean the remaining hard-coded colors before the official release. But...

For example, in NSBrowserCell.m and NSTableView.m we have: [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0.7 green: 0.7 blue: 0.8 alpha: 1.0] and [NSColor whiteColor]. I think that Camaelon should override some NSColor class methods to give me access to them; consider these examples: when you select an icon, the frame behind it is a NSBezierPath filled with +selectedControlColor (white); in Camaelon the background of the windows is even white and the frame is not visible; so, I should choose an other system color with Red: 0.7 green: 0.7 blue: 0.8 alpha: 1.0 to make the selected icon consistent with the other selected object, but I can't! An other example: the GW browser, besides the file name, can show other things (kind, size, modification date, etc.); the browser put these info in a second NSCell that is drawn in the -drawInteriorWithFrame:inView: method of the browser cell; also in this case, I've not access to the color used by Camaelon to draw the super of my object, that is, NSBrowserCell.

... we also miss a few more system colors; for example, "rowBackgroundColor" that we could use in NSTableView/NSOutlineView/NSBrowserView (instead of controlBackgroundColor).

The question is, where should we put theses few new colors ? in the system color list or in the extended system color list used by NSToolbar ?

I guess it should go in the extended system color list, but at the same time, I think it's a bit annoying to have two system color lists.. what do you think?

Else, about Camaelon's use of color lists, I entirely agree with your post, of course. ;-)


Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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