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GNUstep apps on Windows by MDI

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: GNUstep apps on Windows by MDI
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 22:05:54 +0100


Strange idea: On MS Windows, there is that strange thing called MDI. For
those, who do not know, it is Multi-Document-Interface, or in other
words, DOS "single app on the screen" style ported to windows. One
window takes care of all other app windows where all of the windows
share single menu bar. It is not very nice design, however Windows users
are very used to it.

I would like to ask, whether we can use that mechanism for GNUstep? I
mean, not to provide the mechanism for GNUstep developers, but use it
somewhere in the backend. What we can get? 
- application menu
- windows-handled mechanisms for taking care of all app menus, no
problems with switch between apps/hide/unhide/...
Switching to another app will be selecting the main window of the
another app.

Note that this is not giving a MDI interface for GNUstep apps. The
application will not know about it. It is purely a backed thing.

Why MDI? Because almost all Windows users are used to it and it will
increase nativeness of gnustep apps on windows. Of course original
multi-window style is better, but it does not fit to the windows world
well. I have worked with several windows apps that were using multiple
windows, but it is somewhat unnatural feeling, as windows has no proper
mechanisms for handling that (like you have still all windows, toolbars
and stuff visible, even you switch to another app).

What do you think about it? And is that doable? Target are windows

And please, keep your comments about the whole MDI concept weirdness
away, as it was not the point to discuss. The point is: If there once is
a mechanism, then why not to try to look whether it would be worth to
use it?

Stefan Urbanek

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then
you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi

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