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MacOS/GNUstep DO compatibility

From: Björn Giesler
Subject: MacOS/GNUstep DO compatibility
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 11:03:59 +0200


just an idea... it's still true that MacOS and GNUstep DO implementations are incompatible, right? Would it be possible for an application to just link in GNUstep's NSProxy implementation under a different class name and use poseAs: to tell the runtime it's the NSProxy implementation it should use? Would that be a feasible method to make the two compatible?

Dipl.-Inform. Björn Giesler <giesler@ira.uka.de>
Web: http://wwwiaim.ira.uka.de/~giesler
Tel: +49-721-608-8308 Fax: +49-721-608-8270
Augmented Reality, 3D User Interfaces, Machine Vision, Robotics

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