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RE: C++ templates (was: Re: To all german speaking 'steppers: article in

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: RE: C++ templates (was: Re: To all german speaking 'steppers: article in german C'tmagazine <VirusChecked>)
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 15:07:19 +0200

Tima Vaisburd writes:
> There is another, less techical consideration. The article at
> kuro5hin.org compares C++ to ML and Scheme, both quite away from
> mainstream.  That makes its criticism very much theoretic, for noone
> is really proposing a  switch. In contrast, a swtich to Objective C
> is real.
> That's why I support the idea of an article that would stress the
> power of Objective C versus C++. Objective C promotion can help to
> make it as widespread as should be.

I think the  difference is between dynamic and  static languages. Lisp
Objective-C or Smalltalk  are dynamic, the type of  the value is known
at run-time  (stored along with the  value).  C++ can be  used, and is
most often used for  fallacious performance reasons, as purely static,
with  the type  only known  at compilation-time.   Hence the  need for
template.  But personally, I've never  used template in C++, because I
only use  virtual methods, and all  my objects are  used by reference,
like it is in Objective-C,  and invisibly in Smalltalk and Lisp.  Then
the type  (the class) of  my values are  known at run-time, and  I can
have  a single BpList  class holding  BpObject instances.   Of course,
it's still slightly  less dynamic than Objetive-C, and  I have to type
cast the elements of my list before being able to send them a message,
but that's not too  big a problem.  At least, it does  not seems to be
as  problematic than templates...   So, with  the implementation  of a
couple  of methods  in a  root class,  and the  addition of  a 'class'
class, you can almost get an Objective-C in C++. (Greenspun's tenth).

    METHOD(BpObject,className,(void),const char*)
    METHOD(BpObject,isKindOf,(const BpClass* aClass),BOOLEAN)
    METHOD(BpObject,isKindOfClassNamed,(const char* aClassName),BOOLEAN)
    METHOD(BpObject,isMemberOf,(const BpClass* aClass),BOOLEAN)
    METHOD(BpObject,isMemberOfClassNamed,(const char* aClassName),BOOLEAN)
    METHOD(BpObject,dependantAt,(CARD32 index),BpObject*)
    METHOD(BpObject,dependantAdd,(BpObject* nDependant),void)
    METHOD(BpObject,dependantRemove,(BpObject* nDependant),void)
    METHOD(BpObject,dependantRemoveAt,(CARD32 index),BpObject*)
    METHOD(BpObject,selfChanged,(INT32 cause),void)
    METHOD(BpObject,dependeeChanged,(BpObject* dependee,INT32 cause),void)

C  is the  assembly  language  of procedural  languages.   C++ is  the
assembly  language of object  oriented language.   When you  compile a
high   level  language   into  assembly,   you  don't   use   all  the
micro-processor instructions just for the  thrill of it.  You just use
the micro-instructions  you need to implement cleanly  your high level
constructs.  So when  you program in C++, don't  use every feature C++

__Pascal_Bourguignon__                   http://www.informatimago.com/
Do not adjust your mind, there is a fault in reality.

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