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From: Dirk Lattermann
Subject: MulleEOInterface
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 17:51:46 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i


I succeeded in compiling MulleEOInterface with GNUstep and
GDL2.  I fixed several bugs (I think) and got a few things to work,
but didn't try the much.

There are some doubtful things I have done:

- I replaced
  objc_msgSend(bla, selector, argument) with
  [bla performSelector: selector withObject: argument]
but this occurs in code that I didn't use in tests.

- There are many things I am not sure what is expected to happen,
because I didn't ever see Apple's EOF.

Right now, EOControlAssociation is successfully connecting a
working EODisplayGroup and an NSTextField.  EOPopUpAssociation
is working fine using the selectedTitle aspect with static and
dynamic titles, and using the selectedObject together with dynamic
titles (not sure there though on how it really should be).

All works only by creating and connecting the classes programmatically,
I've never used Gorm, but I presume getting this to work with Gorm
(creating palettes?) is much work.

I had to modify the queueing mechanisms of EODelayedObserverQueue
because it was broken.  Will post a bug report.

As I don't have access to a Cocoa system, I don't know if it still
compiles there.  Can I simply replace #import by #include with
#ifndef-protection there as well?

If someone is interested, I will put the code somewhere (and tell the
location :-) ).  Need to clean it up a bit before, though.

I find this very exciting, so I thought I should write about it
right now!

Thanks, Nat (or whomever at Mulle Kybernetik I have to thank)!!


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