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Objective-C Programming

From: Dennis Leeuw
Subject: Objective-C Programming
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 18:55:56 +0100

Hi all,

As you might have figured I am trying to teach myself Objective-C
programming. As most of you know I am not a programmer in the sense that
I can write more then shell-scripts and a little perl. So this is gonna
be a long trip ;)

To understand things, I'd like to keep notes and I figured I might as
well make the notes public, and put them together to create a book on
how to learn Objective-C. Maybe this is useful to others too.

The problem however is, that I am new and thus bound to make mistakes
and I am Dutch so also bound to misinterprete English texts and write
wrong English sentences. All in all I am faced with a very large change
of creating something that is only useful too me, in correct, and a
complete wrong understandig of Objective-C...

So I would like to ask your help on this. To make things easier I have
the following sources at hand:
The C programming language (second edition) from Kernighan and Ritchie
Objective-C Pocket Reference from Andrew Duncan (O'Reilly) which btw
also mentions Nicola Pero as contributer, and GNUstep as a library
And ofcourse the Internet.

The first hurdle is already there. I wrote a bit on the Hello World
program, and am not able to contact the author of the source.

Next I tried to explain Classes and Objects in as simple terms as
possible. Could someone have a check on this. It makes sense to me, but
I am not sure it is correct?



Dennis Leeuw

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