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Re: GSWeb state?

From: Manuel Guesdon
Subject: Re: GSWeb state?
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 21:38:09 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 20:39:37 +0100 Philip Mötteli <moetteli.bulk@bluewin.ch> 
 >| May I ask, what the status of GSWeb is? Is it usable in a production 
 >| environment?

GNUstepWeb become more and more debugged and usable but 
        o It as has a lot of features so it's not completely tested (we had 
recently an exemple of different  people using GSWCheckBoxList with 
different bindings. Someone has fixed what it  considered as a bug so 
it worked for him but no more for me so I had to rewrite some part of code to 
sure that it works for both of us)
        o some things are not (AFAIK) regulary tested like locks unders stress 
        o it depends on GNUstep base which has evolutions
        o it now depends on GLD2 which is very new (even if I use it very much 
for monthes) so some database related things may not works (completely) well.
So I think it's usable in a production environment but you need to make deep 
tests to 
verify that all features you  need works as you expect. because some things are 
not implemented and
other may not be implemented like you think. 

 >| I heard, that the 'Monitor' is not so performant, like the one from 
 >| Apple. What are the problems or what is missing, if one wants to use it 
 >| in a production environment?

I've made no monitor in GNustepWeb.  David from Turbocat started one recently 
but haven't find time to try it.

There's not real up-to-date list of what is missing but you can make a search 
on sources for 
//TODO and or LOGObjectFnNotImplemented to have an idea.

FYI, I've used it for Frech National rail company project and I work to put 
another project 
(e-commerce application) in production environment.


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