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Re: How to install makefiles and unix scripts?

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: Re: How to install makefiles and unix scripts?
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 14:35:53 +0200

Nicola Pero wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Are there any variables in which I can tell the make to install shell 
> > scripts
> > into Tools and package's makefiles into Makefiles directory?
> No - there isn't - should we add it ?  The fact is that the code is
> trivial, probably easier to write the code than to actually figure out
> what variables you need to set in order to use gnustep-make provided code
> :-) here is an example taken from jigs -
> after-install::
>         $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefiles/java-wrapper.make $(JIGS_MAKE_DIR)
>         $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefiles/java-wrapper.top.template $(JIGS_MAKE_DIR)
>         $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefiles/java-wrapper.top.debug.template 
>         $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefiles/java-wrapper.readme.template 
>         $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefiles/java-wrapper.objc.template $(JIGS_MAKE_DIR)
>         $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefiles/java-wrapper.java.template $(JIGS_MAKE_DIR)
>         $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefiles/search_header.sh $(JIGS_MAKE_DIR)
>         chmod a+x $(JIGS_MAKE_DIR)/search_header.sh
> (Important - please note the $(INSTALL_ROOT_DIR)$(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES))

Thanks, I think this is fine for me.

> > And, is it ok (without confilct with makefile.postable) to use rules
> > before-install:: and after-install:: in library makefiles (that are going to
> > be installed)? Or is there some another way?
> Ahm - not sure - you can add stuff to before-install:: and
> after-install::, and it shouldn't conflict with makefile.postamble - so
> it's fine, except I'm not sure why you want to do it :-)
> If you provide me with some code or example or explanation of what you
> need/want to do, I might be able to suggest how to best tackle the problem
> (which in the end might perfectly well be to use before-install:: and
> after-install:: :-)

Well, I need to install something in a makefile provided by a library where I
use before-install and after-install rules. But the problem is, if user wants
to use same rules in makefile.postamble. I have tested it and it seems to work
like this:

at the end of GNUmakefile:
        -include makefile.preamble
        include my.make
        -include makefile.postamble

in my.make
                echo BEFORE MY
                echo AFTER MY

in makefile.postamble
                echo BEFORE POSTAMBLE
                echo AFTER POSTAMBLE

and the result was:
        BEFORE MY
        AFTER MY

It works, but I am not sure if I may do it like this. Will all the
XY-install:: rules be allways executed?


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