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Re: (no subject)

From: Paul Fox
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 08:13:25 +0100

> Paul Fox wrote:
> > 
> > I also tried a 'simple' app I use for playing with and this only
> > displays the icon - no dialog panel.
> > 
> I didn't even get that far. You create a window which you defer, even 
> though you order it front in the next line. Then you sneakily (sp?) 
> override canBecomeKeyWindow to return YES always, which exposed a bug in 
> gnustep-gui, which caused the app to crash.
> I fixed this.

Cool - great. Look forward to the next release.

> But then when I run it, I don't get the dialog panel (because you try to 
> orderFront when the app is not active - your should instead try 
> orderFrontRegardless). Then the validateMenuItem: tries to recreate the 
> mainMenu almost every time it's called. I'm not sure why it does that.

Interesting. I am just a beginner so anything I do is possibly wrong!
The menu creation stuff is just that - stuff hacked together. 'simple'
is not designed to be a 'working' applet, its just somewhere
I can scribble code fragments to test/learn ideas. I am not finished
with menus. (Apple is broken with respect to menus - I cannot do
on Cocoa what I can do easily on X11 and Win32, namely dynamically
populate the menu hierarchy as its popped up - which is why that
function is called multiple times - I need to find the correct
trigger before finalising that code).

Anyway thanks for that. Its a shame that Mac Cocoa isnt verbose enough
to tell the app programmer that mistakes are being made. GNUstep
seems a little better in that regard.


> -- 
> Adam Fedor, Digital Optics Corp.      | I'm glad I hate spinach, because
> http://www.doc.com                    | if I didn't, I'd eat it, and you
>                                        | know how I hate the stuff.
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