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Re: Objc++ support in gcc

From: Jay McCarthy
Subject: Re: Objc++ support in gcc
Date: 08 May 2002 19:34:43 -0400

On Wed, 2002-05-08 at 18:39, Jim Balhoff wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 06:05 PM, Tim Harrison wrote:
> > Magnus Lofgren wrote:
> >
> >> tell, I never used it, correct me if I'm wrong), what was the most 
> >> popular one?, it would be good to have some kind of reference 
> >> application.
> >
> > From what I've seen and used, OmniWeb was the best browser for NS/OS. 
> > On OS X, it's still quite amazing.  There was a project in the works to 
> > port the Omni Frameworks to GNUstep.  You might wish to talk with Jay 
> > McCarthy about that.
> I seem to remember someone saying that the OmniGroup would consider a 
> GNUstep version of OmniWeb if someone else went to the trouble of 
> porting the Omni Frameworks to GNUstep.  That would be really awesome 
> (not that I could do the porting...).

 Back in December I was working on this and you can get the patches from
my website (see the bottom of this mail,) however there are some
caveats: the patches on my site are not the latest, the patches an my
site are for the 1999 OPENSTEP versions of the OmniFrameworks - and the
OmniGroup would prefer the Mac OS X versions to be used. As a result of
this my patches don't completely work. The OPENSTEP ported version would
compile (however some compat functions were not implemented) and the Mac
OS X won't because I haven't finished my .pbxproj -> GNUstep Makefiles
tool (which works in 90% of the situations... if you are interested in
when it doesn't work I can explain it, but one of those situations is
very common in the OmniGroup's pbx projects.)

Since January I haven't done any work on the converter or the ports
(because of school) but this is my last week of school so I might be
starting again shortly on this issue.


Jay McCarthy <jay@kenyamountain.com>
aim: rasarasda / irc: feelicks

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