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RE: mapping gnustep fonts and other grievances

From: Yen-Ju Chen
Subject: RE: mapping gnustep fonts and other grievances
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 13:00:01 -0400

  GNUstep support XIM input server without any problem (for now).
  You have to modify the back/Source/X11/XIMInputServer.m
  in order to support the encoding of your XIM input server.
  For example, my XIM input server use BIG5 (LC_CTYPE=zh_TW.Big5)
  and XIMInputServer know big5 map to NSBIG5StringEncoding,
  It will treat the input as big5 encoding and convert it into internal unicode.
  If you use encoding other than utf8 and big5,
  it will choose the defaultCStringEncoding as the encoding of your input.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss-gnustep-admin@gnu.org
> [mailto:discuss-gnustep-admin@gnu.org]On Behalf Of Bjorn Gohla
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 10:05 AM
> To: discuss-gnustep@gnu.org
> Subject: mapping gnustep fonts and other grievances
> Hash: SHA1
> still struggling with getting gnustep to display unicode text, i 
> have been 
> wondering how gnustep font names are mapped to x fonts (more 
> specifically, 
> how do i force gnustep to use a specific x font?), not so easy to 
> infer from 
> the source code.
> even if this may seem unfair, gnustep unicode support seems deficient, 
> considering that xterm has (almost) no trouble with it. or perhaps i am 
> particularly improficient ;(
> anyway, what is the state of gnusteps support for inputting 
> non-latin scripts 
> via the keyboard?
> - -- 
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> pub  1024D/834F4976 2001-01-07 Björn Gohla (Wissenschaftler, Weltbürger) 
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> iD8DBQE8xWodbBQ8OYNPSXYRAuzjAJ4tf0qUs0lU5i1T6lpe3xv4B0H5zgCgur9k
> =Bhy0
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