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Re: Bundle installation

From: Jeff Teunissen
Subject: Re: Bundle installation
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 19:54:14 -0400

Nicola Pero wrote:

> > > Since
> > > {s,n,l,u}/Library/Frameworks/FRAMEWORK.framework/Versions/Current
> > > is not in the dynamic linker path, the libraries will never be found
> > > and your program will compile, but it will never run.
> >
> > Of course, it wouldn't run anyway, since apps can't be linked against
> > frameworks with GNUstep (only the .so is symlinked into the libraries
> > dir, it seems). :/
> If you are silently reporting a bug, please provide full details! :-)

I discovered it while testing various methods of getting ld to put the full
path to a lib into the executable.

Take a framework I use in Preferences (PrefsModule):

In System/Libraries, there is a libPrefsModule.so, which is a symlink to
-- which is not in the lib path, so apps linked against the framework can't be

| Jeff Teunissen  -=-  Pres., Dusk To Dawn Computing  -=-  deek @ d2dc.net
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| Core developer, The QuakeForge Project        http://www.quakeforge.net/
| Specializing in Debian GNU/Linux              http://www.d2dc.net/~deek/

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