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Re: Programming Documentation

From: Jim Balhoff
Subject: Re: Programming Documentation
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:12:56 -0400

I've been learning to program recently as well - but mainly on MacOS X. I've been using "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" by Aaron Hillegass, and I think it's a great book. I would expect that a lot of it would translate over to GNUstep, especially the more conceptual stuff like delegates. I also have "Learning Cocoa" by Apple, but I think the Hillegass book is much easier to follow. I hope this is helpful - just ignore the parts about sheets and drawers...


On Thursday, April 18, 2002, at 03:30 PM, Dennis Leeuw wrote:

Hi all,

As you all might know I am not a programmer, but as things are heading I
need to write a little application. So I thought since I need to learn
some language I start with GNUstep ;) (Bash and Perl won't do in this

I got Finger.app and tried to read Nicola's tutorials, but I don't
understand a word from what I am reading.
The makefile section is clear to me, but things like delegates etc. are
like Chinese to me and I am Dutch.

So can someone point me in a direction where I can have this explained
in words that are not meant for programmers, but for simple computer



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