Generating: "/home/alexc/gnuradio/rtlsdr/" >>> Warning: This flow graph may not have flow control: no audio or usrp blocks found. Add a Misc->Throttle block to your flow graph to avoid CPU congestion. Executing: "/home/alexc/gnuradio/rtlsdr/" Using Volk machine: sse4_2_64 RTL2832 Source block configuration: Read length (bytes): 32768 Buffer enabled: yes Buffer multiplier: 8 Buffer size (samples): 131072 Samples per read: 16384 Buffer level: 50.0% Found RTL2832 device: (null) (tuner: Fitipower FC2580) Sample rate range: 900001 - 3200000 Hz Crystal frequency: 28800000 Hz [fc2580] Initialised (default bandwidth: 8000000 Hz) Wait delay: 24.576 ms Capture threading starting: 0x3c1eb30 Finished buffering (81920/131072) [#0] >>> Done