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[Discuss-gnuradio] [RFC] Add a cyclic extender to gr

From: Igor Almeida
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] [RFC] Add a cyclic extender to gr
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 16:19:49 -0300

Hi all,

I have been familiarizing myself with the inner guts of gnuradio and
hacked together the attached patch, applied to tag v3.3.0. It is an
extended version of gr_ofdm_cyclic_prefixer which can add cyclic
suffix and symbol overlapping, which is used in VDSL/2 standards, and
it is named gr_dmt_cyclic_extender.
I would very much appreciate your comments on the code style and any
nitpicks you may have. The commit message also explicits a problem I
encountered during coding: I believe I need some kind of "done" signal
to send whatever is stored in the block's "memory". How should one
solve this in gnuradio?

There is also a git repository at
with the code applied directly to master, but I'm probably missing
some python dev files as gnuradio does not build.


Igor Almeida

Attachment: 0001-Add-a-cyclic-extender-to-gr.patch
Description: Text Data

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