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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Noise floor falls ~5dB when TX is started

From: Ruben Undheim
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Noise floor falls ~5dB when TX is started
Date: Thu, 5 May 2011 22:06:43 +0200

Hello, thanks

Yes, the noise-dip is frequency sensitive. I have not been able to fully characterize it because at
some frequencies it's bad and at others it's quite good, and there is not really a understandable pattern.
At VHF-frequencies, it's at least quite bad before I run the script.
I tried installing the latest git version of gnuradio to test if that would help - it did not.

Afterwards I tried installing the UHD-drivers, and porting my scripts to use them. I am not that deep
entrenched in classic drivers, even though I have been satisfied with them until now!! Apparently,
using the UHD-drivers seems to solve the problem!!! Now it's working nicely at once when the USRP is
powered up. Thank's a lot! What's actually the problem with the classic drivers, is still a mystery to me.

By the way, is it possible with the UHD-drivers to transmit from one script while receiving in another script??
I can't seem to get that working like I did with the "classic" drivers.


2011/5/5 Marcus D. Leech <address@hidden>
> Additional information comes here:
> - The same thing is happening for both the inputs, RX2 and TX/RX, on
> the WBX-board.
> - I am using the traditional gnuradio-drivers.
> - Even though it's working well when I just run this little script
> every time I start
> the USRP, I feel that it's a bad ad-hoc solution to a problem that I
> would like
> to understand.
> Ruben
Is the noise-dip frequency sensitive?

How entrenched are you in "classic" USRP drivers?  I strongly encourage
people to move to UHD
 unless they have a lot of "classic" code.

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Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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