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Re: [dev-serveez] upcoming release

From: Raimund 'Raimi' Jacob
Subject: Re: [dev-serveez] upcoming release
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 23:36:06 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, stefan wrote:


> How do you like this announcement text?  Did I miss something?  Is there
> anything which should be mentioned?

i'd like to reorder the sentences a bit:

> =======================================================================
> Changes in this release:
>   This release now includes a bzip2 codec.  The new codec interface of 
> the Serveez core library is now also available in the Win32 binary 
> release.  Both the new bzip2 codec and the zlib codec have been added.
>   The Guile server support is finally meant to be a stable feature
> of Serveez.  We implemented a Mandelbrot server and client which 
> demonstrate this functionality.
>   The package now includes an `inetd' replacement Guile script.  This
> has been possible since the new program passthrough server came up.
> The new server can accept connections and pass the data transactions
> to a program's stdin/stdout.
> =======================================================================

Changes in this release:

 The Guile server support is finally meant to be a stable feature
of Serveez.  We implemented a Mandelbrot computation server and client
which demonstrate this functionality.
  The new codec interface of the Serveez core library is now also
available in the Win32 binary release. Both the new bzip2 codec and the
zlib codec have been added.
  Also includes is an `inetd' replacement Guile script.  This
has been possible since the new program passthrough server came up.  
The new server can accept connections and pass the data transactions
to a program's stdin/stdout.

that's about all...


      __/\     _/\    _____/\.___/\
     /   /    /  /___/   ____/  __/\     Name    : Raimi
    /   /  __/    __/   / __/  / _\/     Contact : address@hidden
   /   /__/ /     \/   /_/_/  /_/        Visit   :
  /________/___/\._\._____/_____/\       3.141592653589793238462643383
  \._______\.__\/__/\.____\.____\/       27950288419716939937510582097

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