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Re: auto-scrolling while editing

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: auto-scrolling while editing
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 11:01:03 +0000

On Sun, 2020-02-09 at 16:26 -0500, Bric wrote:
> Sorry if this has been asked before
> By default, when i start typing into a blank new score Denemo starts
> autoscrolling as soon as I fill measure 1, at which point it hides
> measure 1 out of view (!) and cursors into measure 2. A bit
> frustrating.  

I just did


then typed

a b c d e g g a

and the result was two bars showing on screen, no scrolling happened.

What exactly are you doing? You can set up the View->Scheme window to
record exactly what you are doing  (Click "Record" in the Scheme window
- remember to turn it off afterwards!) and post the resulting Scheme to
the list to explain what actions you are doing.


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