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Re: [Denemo-devel] P.S. Re: Typesetting error re score with voices : hel

From: Bill Goodman
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] P.S. Re: Typesetting error re score with voices : help for denemo
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 16:21:42 +0000 (UTC)

Thanks!   The step of explicitly assigning voices to staffs fixed the problem of the stem directions, as well as the typesetting warning.

(I'm working with Denemo version 2.2.0)

Your letters have been very helpful.

Best regards,


On Wednesday, June 26, 2019, 04:27:04 a.m. EDT, Richard Shann <address@hidden> wrote:

On Tue, 2019-06-25 at 20:56 +0000, Bill Goodman wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Thanks so much for bearing with me.  
> I tried filling in that measure without results; though after the
> 'last resort' of signing out of Denemo and re-loading, it seemed to
> have worked, momentarily 
hmm, you haven't said which version of Denemo you have picked up (Help-
>About) and which operating system you have...

>   (It's like sometimes Excel gets bogged down, and works fine after
> re-starting.)....  But the problem recurred the minute I selected to
> re-Typeset again.      
> Is this the part of the log you wanted to see?  (It gets repeated,
> identically, a number of times:
> C:/Users/William/AppData/Local/Temp/Denemo_XXXXXX/
> 48: warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns

yes - I expect this is because of the stem directions clashing

>          b''8. b''16 c'''8. c'''16 b''8. b''16 
>                                                a''8.
> b''16\AutoBarline
> A follow-up question arises, from when I was able to see the typeset
> version:  When displaying separate voices on the same staff:  Can the
> user choose which way to draw the lines (up or down) for the separate
> voices that are being displayed?  The output I have so far shows the
> potential problem if there's no choice.
Yes, this is what the Voice settings do (it is not only the stem
direction but also whether ties are above or below and other stuff, all
taken care of once you tell LilyPond which voice is which).
Look at

Command: Choose Initial Voice
Choose which voice this staff will initially be set to. To change voice
during music see the Directives->Voices menu.
Location: Object Menu ▶ Staffs/Voices ▶ Voices
Internal Name: InitialVoice

or, if you need to switch which voice you are typesetting mid-music:

Command: Voice Preset 1 (Stems Up)
Preset for first voice. Stems up
Location: Object Menu ▶ Directives ▶ Typesetter ▶ Voices
Internal Name: VoicePreset1

and friends in the directives->typesetter->voices menu. There is a
palette "Polyphony" which brings together these commands and others.
(View->Palettes->Select a Palette to Show=>Polyphony).


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