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Re: [Denemo-devel] Problem with Score Title and question about automatic

From: Haris Brković
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Problem with Score Title and question about automatic movement numeration
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 21:15:04 +0100

Sorry, I sent wrong information. InstrumentName is from 
Staff/Voices-StaffProperties-Instrument Name in the object menu.
InstrumentName script is really long and I dont know how to incorporate given 
I think I occupied enough of your time. Also I think this function is not 
essential for other Denemo users. But for my class work it would be easier when 
I change little movements order that I could numerate them more easily. For 
example in this last file I sent there were 15 of them.
Anyway thanks very much,

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Shann [mailto:address@hidden 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 8:52 PM
To: denemo-devel <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Problem with Score Title and question about automatic movement 

On Fri, 2017-02-24 at 19:31 +0100, Haris Brković wrote:
> > How did you try to delete it? Running the command and deleting the text 
> > should be just fine.
> I tried to delete it in two ways. First I clicked on title on typesetter 
> screen then window opened . Then I erased text. Now when I write this it 
> sound totally wrong.

That is what I would do. I think the script notices that the title is empty and 
drops it, but in any case it would be good even if it generated 

title = ""
as this would not take up any space when LilyPond typeset it (I think).
(The script actually generates some rather complicated syntax \with-url, but 
that is not relevant).

> Second way is that I erased directive which appeared below the object menu.

Do you mean you opened the Score Properties Editor and chose the "Delete" 
button for the Titles directive?

>  That also crashed Denemo.

Can you reproduce this crash?

> > yes, of course. The movement number is obtainable from 
> > (d-GetMovement)
> so this works:
> (d-DirectivePut-header-postfix "NumberedTitle" 
>       (string-append "\nsubtitle = \"Piece Number " (number->string 
> (d-GetMovement)) "\"\n"))
> I forgot to mention that I numerate movements by introducing numbers in 
> "Instrument name" place. This title is taken from Movement Titles section.
> I will try to use this to make Denemo numerate automatically.

you will also want some looping to do every movement

(while (d-PreviousMovement))

will take you to the first movement and

(while (d-NextMovement)
        (d-DirectivePut-header-postfix "NumberedTitle" 
                (string-append "\nsubtitle = \"Piece Number " (number->string 
(d-GetMovement)) "\"\n")))

will put the subtitle field on each movement header. (you would need another 
call to put it on the first movement).


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