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Re: [Denemo-devel] New script "Add Interval": (Too) many menus and comma

From: Nils
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] New script "Add Interval": (Too) many menus and commands. Workaround?
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 17:45:26 +0100

On Sat, 2 Jan 2010 23:18:13 +0100
Nils <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a new script ready 
> So... what to do now? I like it that Denemo-Scripts themselve are independent 
> of the keystroke or menu position which call them. So tuning the script that 
> itself knows who the "caller" (what is the word?) was is not an option for me 
> and I think its against Denemos way to work.
> I just feel uneasy about the huge redundancy. Is there any other way? Or it 
> is it just fine to create that many commands?

The best solution I can think of:

Add the possibility to assign modifier keys to shortcuts (in the dialog "manage 
command sets"). Instead of one key, e.g. "3" for "Add third as chordnote", you 
have to assign the main key and a number of additional mod-keys, in this case 
How many mod-keys are needed has to be a (meta-)info in the script itself or at 
least in the xml file.

The script itself works with abstract mod1 mod2 mod3 then which return #t or #f.

But that leaves the problem of the menus. If you want mouse navigation all the 
different variants had to be there nevertheless.
Even if they are generated in runtime it might be ugly to see them all. Well, 
with submenus a bit less ugly, and maybe thats the best one can archieve with 
this design. Denemo is keyboard-centric after all.


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