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Re: [Denemo-devel] Augmentation / Diminuation Prototype

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Augmentation / Diminuation Prototype
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 09:18:21 +0100

On Sun, 2009-07-19 at 19:36 +0200, Nils Gey wrote:
> > > 5) To make both augmentation and diminuation avaible I could just do two 
> > > redundant scripts with only * and / changed.
> > > Any suggestions how I can use one scripts for two different keypresses in 
> > > this case?
> > I think you can just pass * or / as an argument to the procedure.
> Can you explain where?
> Btw. What about giving "command line arguments" to scheme scripts? 
That is a just exactly a scheme procedure. Try this:

(define (myproc a b)
        (a 4 b))

(display (myproc * 8))
displays 32

(display (myproc / 8))
displays 1/2

being 4*8 and 4/8 respectively


> Or in this case, if you create a new menu item from a script how about giving 
> args to it. So you can do one menu-entry with "scriptX augment" and the other 
> "scriptX diminish" and its the same script. Maybe usefull for other group 
> scripts like dynamics.
> Nils

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