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Re: [Denemo-devel] Transpose

From: Jeremiah Benham
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Transpose
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 10:01:18 -0500

On Tue, 2008-08-12 at 10:24 +0100, Richard Shann wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 22:52 -0500, Jeremiah Benham wrote:
> > There
> > will need to be a header file containing something like
> > denemointerface.h:
> > 
> > void Denemo_InsertBflatmaj();
> > void Denemo_StaffUp();
> > etc ..... 
> OK, that's great. Swig is already doing most of what I was trying to do
> for it. So, forget what I was saying (which would anyway only apply to a
> scripting interface that accessed Denemo in the way that gdb does),
> here is two ways how we might get Swig working.
> First suggestion (a bit tedious, but very straight forward, and indeed
> improving the current Denemo code):
> Define all the menu callbacks in the code-generation (helper) program
> and use that to generate the interface. In detail:
>       Move all the entries in the array 
> menu_entries[] in view.c 
> into the array in the helper program generate_source.c
> for example the entry
>   {"New", GTK_STOCK_NEW, N_("New"), NULL,  N_("Start a new musical
> score"),
>    G_CALLBACK (file_newwrapper)},
> in view.c
> would go into the generate_source.c file as
> struct name_and_function unmenued_commands[] = {
> ...
>   {KBD_CATEGORY_OTHER, GTK_STOCK_NEW, "Start a new musical score",
> N_("New"), "file_newwrapper"},
> (Note the name of this array "unmenued_commands" is purely historical,
> they are the ones that used to be unmenued, and everything is now
> menued).
> Once this is done, the array menu_entries in view.c would just contain
> the #include "entries.h" that it has at present and no other entries.
> Then we just tweak the printf() statements in this program to output the
> declarations needed (ie fp=fopen("denemointerface.i"), fprintf(fp,"%%
> module denemointerface\n%%{\n.....  \nextern int %s(void *parameter);
> \n", unmenued_commands[i].function) etc which would output
> %module denemointerface
> %{
> extern int file_newwrapper(void *parameter);
> Note 1, we can use the callbacks to take a parameter which can be tested
> to see if it is a GtkAction*, in which case it is being called from the
> menu, or not, in which case it is the scripting language that is calling
> it. We can also return a status int - at the moment they are declared as
> void - the menu callback will ignore the return value.
> Note 2, generate_source.c is a self contained program (ie with its own
> main() function) that is compiled and executed by hand to generate the
> source code: the names of the source code files are hardwired into it
> (namely it generates entries.h and callbacks.h). So after doing all the
> work described above to expand the array unmenued_commands[] so that it
> contains all the callbacks you compile generate_source.c at the command
> prompt thus:
> gcc generate_source.c -o generate_source
> and then execute
> ./generate_source
> and it will create the source files you need, entries.h and callbacks.h
> which are included in view.c and your new output file denemointerface.i
> Only after doing this do you call make. The generated files you would
> put into git. (so generate_source.c is like lylexer.l etc, except that
> the make system has not been told how to generate entries.h from
> generate_source.c, and I am doing it by hand).
> Note 3, all the callbacks would cease to be static, becoming externally
> visible (so the scripting language can link to them).
> Note 4, it would be nice to have the callbacks return a value to
> indicate success and perhaps to take a parameter, so that the callbacks
> that throw up dialogs can tell if that is an appropriate thing to do.
> But this is extra refinements.
> Note 4, The name KBD_CATEGORY is just historical as well, of course. At
> the moment they are not being used.

The above seems easily doable. 

> ***********************************************************************
> Second suggestion: (a bit tricksy, but avoiding a lot of grunt, and
> allowing for the scripting language to access menu items added
> dynamically after the program starts),
> In view.c at the end where the GtkActions are being traversed put the
> action and name into a hash table. The scripting language has only one
> function to call, passing the name in. So the interface is
> %module denemointerface
> %{
> external int denemo(char *name);
> %}

Would this (in the long run) allow users to add their scripts as menu
items by placing their scripts in a directory like ~/.denemo/plugins or
~/.denemo/scripts or something.

> and in Denemo's source code we include
> int denemo(char *name){
> GtkAction* action = get_action_from_store(name);
> activate_action(action); /* this is in view.c */
> /* well, if we want to pass in a parameter and get back a value we would
> need to execute the callback function directly ... */
> }

The script writer would only receive an int on return correct. The
writer would not be able to get anything like a structure back in this
way. In either option we would need to allow them to see some values in
DenemoGUI *gui. We can get started and test things without it at first.
Without being able to read values from DenemoGUI *gui the script would
be running blind.  Maybe new functions would need to be created to do
things like:
int denemo_print_currentmeasurenum()
> NOTE 1:
>     get_action_from_store() would be a new function written to look up a
> GtkAction* in a store created at runtime, towards the end of newview()
> in view.c
> NOTE 2: The place in view.c where you would create the store which
> get_action_from_store() would access is this bit at the end:
>    GtkActionGroup *action_group;
>    GList *groups = gtk_ui_manager_get_action_groups (Denemo.ui_manager);
>    action_group = GTK_ACTION_GROUP(groups->data); 
>    GList *g = gtk_action_group_list_actions(action_group);
>    for(;g;g=g->next) {
> GtkAction *action = g->data;
> put this action and a suitable name e.g.
> "Denemo_"gtk_action_get_name(g->data)
> here put_action_in_store(action, name).

I think I get this. I don't have experience with these functions though.

> This would be a lot less grunt, and we would get to try out the idea
> quickly. In principle we have a slower interface here, but I doubt if
> anyone would notice.

Which option would you prefer. I am sure I can do option #1 very easily
but I don't want ease to be a deciding factor. Which option do you think
is the best for denemo? Maybe later we can use both ideas. Statical list
of menu items and additional dynamically generated if available. 


> If there is anything unclear (difficult to avoid) please say,
> Richard

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