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[Denemo-devel] LilyPond polyphony help needed.

From: Richard Shann
Subject: [Denemo-devel] LilyPond polyphony help needed.
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:33:30 +0100

Below is the LilyPond of a piece generated by the (upcoming) denemo
0.7.9 with polyphony in the Piano part. It is looking quite good, but
LilyPond complains that there are too many clashing note columns. The
error message (displayed by Denemo!) is

~/.denemo/ warning: ignoring too many clashing note
         bes c' d'2 
and many more such.
Can someone suggest how the \score block (below) should be written to
avoid the problem? I will incorporate the suggestions into a template
for doing 4-part polyphony on a piano-staff, so that Denemo users can do
this without having to study LilyPond.

Richard. Below is the LilyPond:

% LilyPond file generated by Denemo version 0.7.9


\version "2.8.7"
\paper {printallheaders = ##t }
#(set-global-staff-size 16)
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")

% The music follows
MvmntISolo =\context Voice=MvmntISolo \transpose c c {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \time 3/2
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
          g'2 bes' ees''|
         d''1 c''2|
         bes'2. a'4 g'2|
         fis'1 r2|
         g' a' c''|
         bes'2. bes'4 a'2|
         g' g' fis'|
         g'1.\bar ":|:"         a'2 bes' c''|
         d''1 c''4 bes'|
         bes'1 a'2|
         bes'1 r2|
         d'' c'' a'|
         a'2 g'2. g'4|
         fis'1.\bar ":|:"         d''2 f'' ees''|
         d''1 ees''2|
         d''1 c''2|
         d''1 r2|
         d'' c'' d''|
         bes'2. bes'4 a'2|
         g' g' fis'|
         g'1.\bar ":|"}

MvmntIRightHand =\context Voice=MvmntIRightHand \transpose c c {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \time 3/2
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
          <bes d'>2 g c'|
         d' bes ees'|
         d'4 g' f' d' <g bes> c'|
         <a d'>2 <a d'>4 r r g|
         <c' ees'>2 c' a|
         <bes d'> <bes d' g'> <c' f'>|
         c' r4 <a d'>2 c'4|
         r <b d' g'> r r <d' g'>2\bar ":|:"         <a f'> d'4 bes' ees'
         bes'2. a'4 g'2|
         <c' ees'>4 bes c' d'8 ees' f'4 ees'|
         r <bes d'> r r d'2|
         g4 d' <c' e'> g' d' fis'|
         g'2. f'4 ees' d'|
         <a c'>2 <g bes d'>4 c'8 bes c'4 g|
         r <a d'> r r d'2\bar ":|:"         f'2. bes'2 a'4|
         bes'2. a'4 g'2|
         fis' g'4 bes' a' g'|
         <fis' a'>1.|
         d'4 bes' a'2 r4 a'|
         <d' g'>2 r f'4 d'|
         bes c' d'2 d'|
         r4 <b d' g'> r r <d' g'>2\bar ":|"}

MvmntIPolyVoiceIV = {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \time 3/2
        \key f \major
        \clef treble
         s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2 %5
        s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2
s1*3/2 %10
         <bes d'>4. c'8 d'4 f' ees' d'|
        s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2          g4 c' bes a bes2|
        s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2
s1*3/2 %20
        s1*3/2          bes2 c' s|
         bes1 a2|
         g4 a bes g a4. bes8|
        s1*3/2 }

MvmntILeftHand =\context Voice=MvmntILeftHand \transpose c c {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \time 3/2
        \key f \major
        \clef bass
         g,2 bes, ees|
         d2. c4 b,2|
         c a,1|
         g,4. a,8 bes,4. c8 d2|
         ees d1|
         g,1.\bar ":|:"         d1 c2|
         bes,1 ees2|
         g f1|
         bes,2 a, d|
         g,1 g2|
         f ees1|
         d1.\bar ":|:"         bes2 d' c'|
         bes1 c'2|
         d' ees'1|
         bes,2 f d|
         g4 g, bes, c d2|
         ees d d|
         g,1.\bar ":|"}

MvmntIPolyVoiceV = {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \time 3/2
        \key f \major
        \clef bass
         s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2 %5
         g1 fis2|
         g1 s2|
         g2. g4 fis2|
         s g4 g, b2|
        s1*3/2 %10
        s1*3/2         s1*3/2          s2 f4 bes, bes2|
        s1*3/2         s1*3/2 %15
        s1*3/2          s2 fis4 d a2|
         d' s1|
         d' ees'2|
        s1*3/2 %20
        s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2         s1*3/2          s2
g4 g, b2 \bar "|."

\score {
         \new Staff \MvmntISolo
         \new PianoStaff <<
                << \new Staff << \voiceOne \MvmntIRightHand
                                           \voiceTwo \MvmntIPolyVoiceIV
                      \new Staff << \voiceOne \MvmntILeftHand
                                            \voiceTwo \MvmntIPolyVoiceV

        \layout {
title = "Captain Digorie's Galliard"
composer = "John Douland"
        breakbefore = ##f


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