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Re: [Denemo-devel] Created Git repository

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Created Git repository
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 09:10:32 +0100

I've had a little look at the git repository - it has a.out and denemo
executables in it, did you know? I downloaded it with the CVS command
you gave but it wouldn't
On balance, I think we are getting ourselves lost trying to solve a
minor problem and ending up with more complications than we started
with. The users won't care where the templates have come from as long as
they end up being installed in the right place. I think the most radical
thing we should attempt is just to re-create the CVS repository afresh
with the correct templates directory structure. I am sure it won't
happen again - CVS has been in use for years and we want only the
simplest functionality. We *will* encounter bugs and problems with newer

Much more important would be to get the public-facing image sorted out -
make it easy for people to find and try denemo. So the priorities would
1) fixing coredumps in the program
2) fix aspects of the program that look daft.
3) eclipsing the sourceforge site - lots of posting and announcements
4) timely availability of releases, .debs etc

I can manage (1) but I am pretty hopeless at (3), I spend ages agonizing
about it, besides being woefully ignorant of the relevant lists, forums
etc. I can (I hope) write fairly clearly, so I will be happy to suggest
texts for announcements in various places.

As regards (2) I think I am getting there, though it really needs people
to provide feedback - I am to used to what denemo looks like, and forget
about some of its idiosyncrasies. (The sort of thing I am referring to
are: not having a stop on Play, not having the display adapt to the
height of the staffs ... but there are no doubt many others).

I've got most of the bugs I listed with the first pass at LilyPond
editing fixed now - I'm testing it on some real work.


On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 08:27 -0500, Jeremiah Benham wrote:
> I set up a git repository because svn is in beta at savannah and all the
> docs are kind of hidden. I also found out svn is not under the GPL
> anyway so I thought Git is more of the GNU way. My first concern was if
> users would be put off downloading and testing if they had to install
> git. I guess git provides cvs emulation in a way because you can still
> get the git archive using cvs like this:
> cvs -d:pserver:address@hidden:/denemo.git co -d denemo
> master
> Eventhough we will have to get use to git, I think this may make life a
> bit easier in terms of administration in the long run. 
> I don't know if all the files are up there yet so everyone should still
> use cvs until further notice. 
> Here is a website with some basic usage info:
> If we decide later on down the road that this is not what we want we can
> just delete it. 
> Jeremiah
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