Thx for this answer. I already installed the sources but the kernel-syms was missing. I installed them and dazuko could be made. But the real problems start now. I use dazuko with AntiVir. I mount 3 Directories via /etc/fstab wich works. But when AntiVir is laoded the system freezes with noe message logged. I tried it during boot and manual after it. No Messages on Console or in Log. The Version of Dazuko is 3.1.2 and of AntiVir-Server 3.05.12.
Thx for advise.
> On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 19:35:31 +0100
> Thomas Wilhelmi <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just upgraded my Suse from 11.1 to 11.2 wich uses kernel
>> I installed the source to the default
>> directories and get the following error when I try to make
>> dazuko-3.1.2:
>> twisrv:~/dazukofs-3.1.2 # make
>> make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build SUBDIRS="`pwd`" modules
>> make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or
>> directory. Stop. make: *** [dazukofs_modules] Error 2
>> Can I get a hint what is missing?
>> Thanks and regards
>> Willi
> Hi,
> it looks like the build directory does not exists.
> ls -al lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
> The build directory should be a symlink to the kernel sources
> e.g. /usr/src/ or something like that.
> I am not very familiar with SUSE, but I guess you need to have
> kernel-source and kernel-syms packages installed for the actual
> running kernel. If you have done it, try to create the symlink by
> yourself.