On 2008-09-17, Tsutomu Oyamada <address@hidden> wrote:
The file that you had demanded was not found.
Instead, the following files are sent.
Do you understand from this?
Yes, this is the file I needed. Thanks.
This kernel partially implemented some newer LSM stubs, but only as
dummies. Because of this, Dazuko's "linux_lsm_conf" script (used by
"configure") was incorrectly identifying the LSM API. I have made
changes to the script so it should work.
You can get the script from CVS:
$ cvs -z3 \
-d:pserver:address@hidden:/sources/dazuko \
co -r 1.26 dazuko/linux_lsm_conf
Just copy the "linux_lsm_conf" file over the one in the Dazuko package
before running "configure".
This change will be part of the 2.3.6 release.
John Ogness
Dazuko Maintainer