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Re: [PATCH] tee: Add --pipe-check to allow instantly detecting closed ou

From: Arsen Arsenović
Subject: Re: [PATCH] tee: Add --pipe-check to allow instantly detecting closed outputs
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2022 22:24:06 +0100

William Bader <> writes:

> For the case of testing two compile runs, could you use something like the 
> bash
> command below (replacing 'sleep ...' with 'gcc ...')?

The issue here isn't the compilers hanging, it's tee living longer than
all the compilers do because it's stdin doesn't EOF (it'd be preferable
for it to only live as long as the last of the compilers).

I can imagine attempting to implement this with enough pipe and fd
redirection magic, but I'm not sure how (in)elegant that becomes.
Arsen Arsenović

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