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Re: new snapshot available: coreutils-8.30.87-66e2d.tar.xz

From: Bernhard Voelker
Subject: Re: new snapshot available: coreutils-8.30.87-66e2d.tar.xz
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2019 08:37:10 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.5.1

Hi Padraig,

On 3/7/19 7:54 AM, Pádraig Brady wrote:
> We plan to release coreutils-8.31 in the coming week
> so any testing you can do on various different systems between now and then
> would be most welcome.
> --------------------------------------
> You can download the coreutils snapshot in xz format (5.3 MB) from:
> And verify with gpg or md5sum with:
>   MD5 (coreutils-ss.tar.xz) = bf291b5703be8c26b74fee8b4508cd0a
> --------------------------------------
> To test follow this standard procedure:
>   tar -xf coreutils-ss.tar.xz
>   cd coreutils-8.30.87-66e2d/
>   ./configure && make check VERBOSE=yes
> Failures are reported and details are in tests/test-suite.log

I see that the recent gnulib updates didn't sync the files which
are physically copied from there (rather than symlinking):

  $ cp gnulib/doc/COPYINGv3 COPYING \
    && cp gnulib/build-aux/bootstrap bootstrap \
    && cp gnulib/tests/ tests/

  $ git status | grep modified:
        modified:   COPYING
        modified:   tests/

I think we should take over both changes - which is done in the attached.

At least regarding the changes in 'tests/':
do you think the timing is too bad to be included in 8.31?

Thanks & have a nice day,

Attachment: 0001-maint-sync-extra-files-from-gnulib.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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