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[gnue] r7973 - in trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers: . pyro

From: johannes
Subject: [gnue] r7973 - in trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers: . pyro
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:35:36 -0500 (CDT)

Author: johannes
Date: 2005-09-22 10:13:13 -0500 (Thu, 22 Sep 2005)
New Revision: 7973

Rebuilt pyro driver

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/   2005-09-22 09:42:11 UTC (rev 
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/   2005-09-22 15:13:13 UTC (rev 
@@ -386,6 +386,19 @@
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Shut down the server
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def shutdown (self):
+    """
+    """
+    assert gEnter (8)
+    self._shutdown_ ()
+    assert gLeave (8)
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   # Virtual methods to be implemented by descendants
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -395,3 +408,10 @@
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def _shutdown_ (self):
+    pass

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/TODO
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/TODO      2005-09-22 09:42:11 UTC (rev 
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/TODO      2005-09-22 15:13:13 UTC (rev 
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@
-* improve error handling: a) server side: send traceback over the net to 
-                                          the client
-                          b) internal xmlrpc errors 
-                            (includes connection timeout etc.)
+* connection timeout
 base stuff and helper applications:
@@ -22,33 +19,7 @@
 * Add an garbage collector to the simple object store ( possibly based on a 
mixture of timeout values and maximum cache size)
-* Make the "Object Store" an optional argument which can be send to the
-  GNURPC Server object at initialisation. i.e. two use cases:
-       a) GNURPC standalone: automaticly use the "simple object store"
-          provided by GNURPC, or use other means of helper functions to
-          enable access and transport of objects over a network (f.e. 
-           the things in the SOAP implementation for Python)
-       b) GEAS: replace the "simple object store" of GNURPC XMLRPC 
-           implementation by the object store of GEAS. even build in 
-           "transport or access object over the net" mechanism (like in 
-           the python SOAP implementation) will be replaced by the GEAS
-          implementation of such mechanism.
-* Add an GRPC 2 IDL and IDL 2 GRPC converter
-* Add an lokal socket implementation, which creates an GRPC file just
-  by protocoling all communications between a server and a client.
-  With this tool it is possible to change your application, or write a 
-  new application, then use this special protokol one time and voila you
-  get a GRPC file you can use for normal protocols (like XMLRPC etc.)
-* Possibility to switch between different modes of XMLRPC object
-  submission like
-        a) just send OID (object identifier)
-        b) just send data (doesn't need object handling 
-       c) send OID and data
 Other possible drivers / interesting applications:
@@ -60,7 +31,3 @@
 It includes a web server, a telnet server, a multiplayer RPG engine, a    
 generic client and server for remote object access, and APIs for creating
 new protocols.

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/pyro/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/pyro/     2005-09-22 
09:42:11 UTC (rev 7972)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/pyro/     2005-09-22 
15:13:13 UTC (rev 7973)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+# GNU Enterprise Common Library - RPC Interface - Pyro ClientAdapter
-# This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
+# Copyright 2001-2005 Free Software Foundation
+# This file is part of GNU Enterprise
 # GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
 # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
@@ -16,288 +19,58 @@
 # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
 # - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Copyright 2003-2005 Free Software Foundation
-# FILE:
-# pyro/
-# Set of classes that implement the pyro client adapter for GNUe Comm.
-# Requires pyro from
-# Client Parameters:
-#    url         The complete URI address of the XML-RPC service.
-#                e.g, url="";
-#    ..or..
-#    transport   The service transport (either "http" or "https")
-#    host        The hostname or IP address of the service
-#    port        The port that the service is located on
+# $Id$
 from gnue.common.rpc import client
 from gnue.common.rpc.drivers import Base
-from gnue.common.apps import GConfig, GDebug, errors
-from gnue import paths
+from gnue.common.apps import errors
-import string, sys
+import Pyro.core
+# =============================================================================
+# Plugin initialization
+# =============================================================================
 def __initplugin__ ():
-    import Pyro.naming, Pyro.core, Pyro.protocol
+    import Pyro.core
   except ImportError:
-    tmsg = _("\nUnable to load pyro. To use the Pyro interface, \n"
-             "please install xmlrpc from:\n"
-             " "
-             "the appropriate DEBIAN package is python-pyro.deb")
-    raise client.AdapterInitializationError, tmsg
+    raise client.AdapterInitializationError, \
+        u_("Unable to load Pyro. To use the Pyro interface, please install " \
+           "pyro from";)
+# =============================================================================
 # ClientAdapter
-class ClientAdapter(Base.Client):
+# =============================================================================
-  def __init__(self, params):
+class ClientAdapter (Base.Client):
-    self._timeout = 1.0
-    #
-    # check for the correct parameters
-    #
-    try:
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Constructor
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      #
-      #  test for an url parameter
-      # 
-      try:
-        url = params['url']
-        if not len(url):
-          raise KeyError
+  def __init__ (self, params):
+    """
+    @param params: parameter dictionary for adapter initialization
+    """
-        # split url into server + host + path parts
-        import urlparse
-        transport, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = \
-                   urlparse.urlparse(url)
-        host, port=split(netloc,':',1)
-      except KeyError:
-        #
-        #  transport parameter
-        #
-        try:
-          transport = params['transport']
-        except KeyError:
-          transport = 'http'
+    Base.Client.__init__ (self, params)
-        if (transport!='http'):
-           tmsg = _("py-xmlrpc just support http as a transport. "
-                    "If you need https please have a look at the "
-                    "'pw_xmlrpc' adapter.")
-           raise client.AdapterConfigurationError,  tmsg
-        #
-        #   path parameter
-        #
-        try:
-          path = params['path']
-        except KeyError:
-          path = '/'
+    # initialize the client and set the default namespace group
+    self._pyroGroup = ':GNUeRPC'
-        #
-        #   port parameter
-        #
-        try:
-          port = params['port']          
-        except KeyError:
-          port = 8765
-        #
-        #   host parameter
-        #
-        try:
-          host = params['host']
-        except KeyError:
-          host = 'localhost'
+    Pyro.core.initClient ()
+    Pyro.config.PYRO_NS_DEFAULTGROUP = self._pyroGroup
-      try:
-        self._url = "%s://%s:%s%s" % \
-                    ( transport, params['host'], port,path )
-      except:
-        pass
-      # setLoglevel
-      if hasattr(params,'loglevel'):
-        pass
-      # care for non-integer port settings
-      if type(port)!=type(12):
-        port=string.atoi(port)
-      self.pyro_group=':GComm'
-      # initialize the client and set the default namespace group
-      Pyro.core.initClient()
-      Pyro.config.PYRO_NS_DEFAULTGROUP=self.pyro_group
-      locator = Pyro.naming.NameServerLocator()
-      print 'Searching Naming Service...',
-      self.ns = locator.getNS()
-      print ''
-      print 'Naming Service found at',self.ns.URI.address,'('+\
-            (Pyro.protocol.getHostname(self.ns.URI.address) \
-             or '??')+') port',self.ns.URI.port
-    except KeyError:
-      tmsg = _("To use Pyro, you must either specify a 'url' or\n"
-               "a 'host' and 'port' setting.")
-      raise client.AdapterConfigurationError,  tmsg
-    except:
-      tmsg = u_("Unable to initialize the Pyro interface at %s") % url
-      raise client.AdapterInitializationError, tmsg
-  def request(self, service, params={}):
-    # resolve the Pyro object
-    print "Service: %s " % service
-    print 'binding to object',service
-    try:
-      URI=self.ns.resolve(service+'.self')
-      print 'URI:',URI
-    except Pyro.core.PyroError,x:
-      print 'Couldn\'t bind object (%s), nameserver says: %s' % (service,x)
-      raise SystemExit
-    return Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(URI)
-    #return Pyro.core.getAttrProxyForURI(URI)
-  def close(self):
-    # do a cleanup of the proxy objects and the object stubs
-    # on the XMLRPC server side
-    # 1. close the proxy objects for services (static, client only)
-    self._baseproxy=None    
-    # 2. close the proxy objects for objects (dynamic, client+server)
-    for i in self._objectProxys:
-      i._close()      
-    self._objectProxys=[] 
-    # close the client it self
-    self.ns=None    
-  # just in case the user forgot to delete some objects
-  def __del__(self):
-    if self.ns!=None:
-      self.close()
-    Base.Client.__del__()
-  def runMethod(self, method, *args, **params):
-    __args = [typeconv.python_to_rpc (arg, client.InvalidParameter)
-              for arg in args]
-    # TODO: Add type conversion for **params 
-    # to_call = getattr (self.__proxy, method);
-    if 1==1: # try:
-          print 'binding to object',method
-          try:
-            URI=self.ns.resolve(method)
-            print 'URI:',URI
-          except Pyro.core.PyroError,x:
-            print 'Couldn\'t bind object for method %s, nameserver says: %s' % 
-            raise SystemExit
-          obj = Pyro.core.getAttrProxyForURI(URI)
-          print obj
-          result=obj(args)
-    if 0: #except:      
-      msg="Error: %s" % (sys.exc_value,)
-      print 
-      print "********************************************\n"
-      print msg,"\n\n"
-      print "********************************************"
-      sys.exit(0)
-    #  result = to_call (*__args, **params)
-    #except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:
-    #  (exType, exName, exMessage, exDetail) = string.split (e.faultString,
-    #                                                        u'\x91')
-    #  raise errors.RemoteError, (exType, exName, exMessage, exDetail)
-    # check, if an object handle is sent
-    # TODO: make a better check
-    if type(result)==type("String") and len(result)==40 :
-      # create an proxy for this handle
-      return self._createproxy ("[%s]" % result)
-    else:
-      return typeconv.rpc_to_python (result, client.InvalidParameter)
-# ProxyObject
-class _ProxyObject(Base.ProxyObject):
-  def __call__(self, *args, **params):
-    assert gDebug (3, "%s (%s)" \
-            % (self.__service,
-               string.join ([repr (x) for x in args] + \
-                          ["%s = %s" % (x [0], repr (x [1])) \
-                           for x in params.items ()], ', ')))
-    print self.__parent
-    #if not hasattr(self,'__parent'):
-    #  print "The object '%s' can't be called" % self.__service
-    #  return
-    if not hasattr(self.__parent,'__pyrobind'):
-      try:
-        URI=self.__adapter.ns.resolve(self.__parent.__service+'.self')
-      except Pyro.core.PyroError,x:
-        print 'Couldn\'t bind object %s, nameserver says: %s' % 
-        raise SystemExit      
-      self.__parent.__pyrobind = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(URI)
-    return getattr(self.__parent.__pyrobind, self.__service)(*args, **params)
-  # TODO: Create new getattr/setattr commands
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # Get a (proxy) method
+  #
   # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  def __getattr__ (self, attr):
+  def _getServerProxy_ (self):
+    """
+    """
-    if attr[0] == '_':
-      raise AttributeError, attr
-    print "\n service '%s' get '%s' " % (self.__service,attr)
-    method = _ProxyObject (self.__adapter, self.__service + '.' + attr, False)
-    method.__parent = self
-    print method.__parent
-    self.__dict__ [attr] = method
-    return method
-  def __del__(self):
-    if self.__dynamic:
-    # if it is a dynamic object then close it
-    #if self._attrPath==[self._attr]:
-      self.__adapter.runMethod(self.__service + '._close')
+    return Pyro.core.getProxyForURI ("PYRONAME://GNUeRPCService")

Deleted: trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/pyro/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/pyro/    2005-09-22 09:42:11 UTC 
(rev 7972)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/pyro/    2005-09-22 15:13:13 UTC 
(rev 7973)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
-# GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
-# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-# GNU Enterprise is distributed in the hope that it will be
-# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-# License along with program; see the file COPYING. If not,
-# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
-# - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Copyright 2001-2005 Free Software Foundation
-# FILE:
-# __init__ class for commdrivers.
-from ClientAdapter import *
-from ServerAdapter import *

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/pyro/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/pyro/     2005-09-22 
09:42:11 UTC (rev 7972)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/rpc/drivers/pyro/     2005-09-22 
15:13:13 UTC (rev 7973)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+# GNU Enterprise Common Library - RPC Interface - Pyro ServerAdapter
-# This file is part of GNU Enterprise.
+# Copyright 2001-2005 Free Software Foundation
+# This file is part of GNU Enterprise
 # GNU Enterprise is free software; you can redistribute it
 # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
@@ -16,454 +19,110 @@
 # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place
 # - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Copyright 2001-2005 Free Software Foundation
-# FILE:
-# pyro/
-# Set of classes that implement the Pyro server driver for GNUe Comm.
-# Requires pyro from
-# Server Parameters:
-#    port        The port that the service is located on
+# $Id$
-from gnue.common.apps import errors, GDebug
 from gnue.common.rpc import server
 from gnue.common.rpc.drivers import Base
-from gnue.common.rpc.drivers._helpers import ObjectLibrarian, ObjectEnabler
+from gnue.common.apps import errors
-import string, sys, os, posixpath, urllib, socket
+# =============================================================================
+# Initialization of the plugin
+# =============================================================================
 def __initplugin__ ():
     import Pyro.naming
     import Pyro.core
-    from Pyro.protocol import getHostname
-    from Pyro.errors import PyroError,NamingError
+    import Pyro.protocol
   except ImportError:
-    tmsg = _("\nUnable to load Pyro.  To use the Pyro interface, \n"
-             "please install pyro from:\n";)
-    raise server.AdapterInitializationError, tmsg
+    raise server.AdapterInitializationError, \
+        u_("Unable to load Pyro. To use the Pyro interface, please install " \
+           "pyro from";)
-# Mapping from GRPC's datatype to XML-RPC datatypes
-_datatypeMap = {
-  'integer': 'int',
-  'string': 'string',
-  'boolean': 'boolean',
-  'date': 'dateTime.iso8601',
-  'number': 'double',
-  'base64': 'base64',
-  'binary': 'base64'
+# =============================================================================
 # ServerAdapter
-class ServerAdapter(Base.Server):
+# =============================================================================
-  def __init__(self, rpcdef, bindings, params):
-    try:
-      self._port = params['port']
-    except KeyError:
-      pass
+class ServerAdapter (Base.Server):
-    if params.has_key('bindto'):
-      self._bindto = params['bindto']
-    else:
-      self._bindto = '' # bind to all interfaces
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Constructor
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    if params.has_key('allowed_hosts'):
-      # TODO: Remove spaces, etc.
-      self._allowed_hosts = string.split(params['allowed_hosts'],',')
-    else:
-      self._allowed_hosts = [''] # allow access from all hosts
+  def __init__ (self, service, parameters):
+    """
+    @param service: python object to be served
+    @param parameters: dictionary of server specific paramters
+    """
-    if params.has_key('loglevel'):
-      self._loglevel = params['loglevel']
-    else:
-      self._loglevel = 0
+    import Pyro.core
+    import Pyro.protocol
+    import Pyro.naming
-    self.pyro_group = ':GComm'
-    # TODO: set pyro_group to other name, depending on grpc
+    Base.Server.__init__ (self, service, parameters)
+    self._pyroGroup = ':GNUeRPC'
     # initialize pyro server
-    Pyro.core.initServer()
-    Pyro.config.PYRO_NS_DEFAULTGROUP=self.pyro_group
-    self.daemon = Pyro.core.Daemon()
+    Pyro.core.initServer ()
+    Pyro.config.PYRO_NS_DEFAULTGROUP = self._pyroGroup
+    self._daemon = Pyro.core.Daemon()
     # locate the name server
-    if not hasattr(self,'ns'):
-      locator = Pyro.naming.NameServerLocator()
-      GDebug.printMesg(9,'PYRO: searching for Naming Service...')
-      self.ns = locator.getNS()
-      GDebug.printMesg(9,'Naming Service found at %s (%s) %s.' % \
-                       (self.ns.URI.address,
-                        (Pyro.protocol.getHostname(self.ns.URI.address) or 
-                        self.ns.URI.port))
+    locator  = Pyro.naming.NameServerLocator ()
+    self._ns = locator.getNS ()
+    gDebug (9, "PYRO NameServer found at %s (%s) %s" \
+        % (self._ns.URI.address,
+          Pyro.protocol.getHostname (self._ns.URI.address) or '??',
+          self._ns.URI.port))
     # make sure our namespace group exists
-      self.ns.createGroup(self.pyro_group)
-    except NamingError:
+      self._ns.createGroup (self._pyroGroup)
+    except Pyro.core.NamingError:
-    self.daemon.useNameServer(self.ns)
+    self._daemon.useNameServer (self._ns)
-    self.mapObjects(rpcdef,bindings)
+    self._pyroService = Pyro.core.ObjBase ()
+    self._pyroService.delegateTo (self.instance)
-  #
-  # Return an exception
-  #
-  def raiseException(self, exception, message, event=None):
-    pass
+    uri = self._daemon.connect (self._pyroService, 'GNUeRPCService')
-  #                                                                        #
-  #                                                                        #
-  ##########################################################################
-  def serve(self):
-    # enter the service loop.
-    GDebug.printMesg(9,'Starting pyro daemon loop.')
-    try:
-      # daemon.setTimeout(5)
-      self.daemon.requestLoop()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-      print 'shutting down gracefully.'
-      # todo: disconnect all obj.
-      #daemon.disconnect(obj)
-      self.daemon.shutdown()
-      print 'Exiting.'
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Start the server
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  #
-  # Create an internal "service directory"
-  #
-  def mapObjects(self, object, bindings, parent=None):
+  def _serve_ (self):
-    # For servicable objects, maintain a complete "path" for reference
-    if object._type in ('RpService','RpMethod','RpObject'):
-      if parent and hasattr(parent,'_path'):
-        object._path = "%s.%s" % (parent._path,
-      else:
-        object._path =
-    ##    
-    ## Add binding informations to the objects
-    ##
-    ## services are static objects and
-    ## objects  are dynamic ones
-    ##
-    if hasattr(object,'binding'):      
-      # the direct mapping
-      if bindings.has_key(object.binding):
-        GDebug.printMesg(9,'GNURPC Binding Information:');
-        GDebug.printMesg(9,' * %s is bound to \n * %s' % \
-                         (object.binding,bindings[object.binding]))
-        # for services create an "static" object 
-        if object._type == 'RpService':
-          object._realbinding=bindings[object.binding]()
-          # TODO: Clearup this "static" object
-        else:
-          # in all other cases just save the binding information
-          object._realbinding=bindings[object.binding]          
-      else:
-        # RpObject normaly don't need binding information, because
-        # they are bound dynamicly
-        if object._type != 'RpObject':
-          print u_("Missing Binding information. Please add binding "
-                   "information for %s") % object.binding
-    # care for bindings in all Services
-    if object._type == 'RpService':
-      if hasattr(object,'_realbinding'):
-        pass  # nothing to do
-      else:
-        if parent._type == 'RpService':
-          try:
-            object._realbinding=getattr(parent._realbinding,\
-            GDebug.printMesg(9,'* %s is bound to \n * %s' % \
-                             (object._path,object._realbinding))
-          except:
-            tmsg = u_("GNURPC cannot bind service '%(name)s' to service "
-                      "'%(destination)s'") \
-                   % {'name'       :,
-                      'destination':}
-            raise AttributeError, tmsg
-        elif parent._type == 'RpGnuRpc':
-          pass
-        else:
-          tmsg = u_("GNURPC cannot bind service '%(name)s' to service "
-                    "'%(destination)s'") \
-                 % {'name'       :,
-                    'destination': parent._type}
-          raise AttributeError, tmsg
-      # create binding for service
-      try:
-        self.ns.deleteGroup(object._path)
-      except:
-        pass
-      self.ns.createGroup(object._path)
-      self._bindDelegateto(object._path+'.self',object._realbinding)
-    # Compute binding for methods and for attributs
-    # both are direct lins to the specific object
-    # 
-    # the dispatcher has to distinguish methods and
-    # objects by testing if they are callable
-    if (object._type == 'RpMethod') or \
-       (object._type == 'RpAttribute'):
-      # check for the binding
-      if hasattr(object,'_realbinding'):
-        bindto=object._realbinding
-      else:
-        if parent._type == 'RpService':
-          try:
-            bindto=getattr(parent._realbinding,
-            GDebug.printMesg(9,'* %s is bound to \n * %s' % \
-                             (object._path,bindto))
-          except:
-            tmsg = u_("GNURPC cannot bind method/attribut '%(name)s' to "
-                      "service '%(service)s'") \
-                   % {'name'   :,
-                      'service':}
-            raise AttributeError, tmsg
-            pass
-        else:
-          bindto=None
-    if object._type == 'RpMethod':    
-      self.addRpMethod(object,parent,bindto)
-    #
-    # Add all attribute methods to our directory..
-    # XML-RPC doesn't support "Attributes", so an
-    # attribute is exposed as a pair of get_<name>
-    # and set_<name> methods.
-    #
-    if object._type == 'RpAttribute':
-      self.addRpAttribut(object,parent,bindto)
-    # Now, map our children
-    for child in object._children:
-      self.mapObjects(child, bindings, object)
-  def addRpMethod(self,object,parent,binding):
-    if binding!=None:
-      self._bindDelegateto(object._path,binding)
-  def _bindDelegateto(self,name,binding):
-    # unregister method
-      self.ns.unregister(name)
-    except NamingError:
-      pass
-    except:
-      pass
+      self._daemon.requestLoop ()
-    # register using delegation
-    proxy=Pyro.core.ObjBase()
-    proxy.delegateTo(binding)
-    #print 'bindto: %s (%s,%s)' % (name,binding, type(binding))
-    self.daemon.connect(proxy,name)
+    finally:
+      self._daemon.shutdown ()
-  def addRpAttribut(self,object,parent,binding):
-    return
-    if not object.readonly:
-      # Add the set_* directory entry
-      self.daemon.connect({'%s.set_%s' % \
-                              (parent._path,\
-                              binding})
-    if not object.writeonly:
-      # Add the get_* directory entry
-          self.server.addMethods({'%s.get_%s' % \
-                              (parent._path,\
-                              binding})
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # Call the requested method
-  #
-  def call(self, method, params):
-    if self._loglevel>0:
-      print _("Dispatching: "), method, params
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ## Check if the Method is part of a service or a pointer to a
-    ## single object
-    ##
-    ## Call to an object:  method="_Management:235423456_.getAttr"
-    ##                     params=""
-    ## Call to an method: (of a service=one object)
-    ##                     method="DonutPlace.Management.Restart"
+  def _shutdown_ (self):
-    if method[0]=='[':
-      # call to an object
-      # 1. get the object from the objectlibrarian
-      # 2. check, if the object is supported by the gfd
-      try:
-        i=string.index(method,']',1)
-        objhandle=method[1:i]
-        method=method[i+2:]
-      except ValueError:
-        tmsg = u_("Wrong format of object handle in method call %s") % method
-        raise AttributeError, tmsg
-      # TODO check in service dir, if obj is supported or not
-      o=ObjectLibrarian.retrieveObject(objhandle)
-      try:
-        server_method=getattr(o,method)
-        server_attribute=None
-      except AttributeError:
-        server_method=None
-        try:
-          server_attribute=getattr(o,method[4:])
-        except AttributeError:
-          if method != "_close":
-            msg = u_("Internal XMLRPC server error: method %s can be "
-                     "found in the directory (build out of a .grpc file), "
-                     "but the object doesn't contain this method/attribut. "
-                     "Please check you .grpc file for wrong return types.") \
-                  % method
-            raise AttributeError, msg
-      if method!="_close":
-        direntry = self.getMethodDirEntry(o._type+"."+method)
-        signature=direntry['signature']
-      else:
-        signature= ('string',)                
+    print "Shutting down pyro daemon"
+    self._daemon.shutdown ()
-    else:
-      # call to a service method or a helper call (get/set) for
-      # a service attribut
-      try:
-        direntry = self.getMethodDirEntry(method)
-        server_method = direntry['binding']
-        server_attribute = None
-        # check if it is an real method (binding -> method)
-        # or an get/set method for an attribut (binding-> attribut)
-        if (type(server_method)!=type(
-          server_attribute = server_method
-          server_method=None
-        signature=direntry['signature']
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Nice string representation
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        if (server_method==None) and (server_attribute==None):
-          tmsg = u_("Server XML-RPC method '%s' is not bound to real method") \
-                 % method
-          raise AttributeError, tmsg
-      except KeyError:
-        tmsg = u_("Server does not have XML-RPC procedure %s") % method
-        raise AttributeError, tmsg
-    try:
-      #
-      pass
-        # TODO:  Compare submitted attributs with signature
-    except KeyError:
-      tmsg = u_("Server XML-RPC procedure %(method)s accepts just %(attr)s "
-                "as attributs") \
-             % {'method': method,
-                'attr'  : attr}
-      raise AttributeError, tmsg
-    # replace object handles in param with the real object
-    counter=0
-    while counter<len(params):
-      p=params[counter]
-      if type(p)==type(""):
-        if (len(p)==42) and (p[0]=="[") and (p[41]=="]"):
-          try:
-            p=p[1:41]
-            obj=ObjectLibrarian.retrieveObject(p)
-            newp=params[0:counter-1]+(obj,)+params[counter+1:]
-            params=newp
-          except:
-            pass
-      counter=counter+1;
-    # check if it is an real method (binding -> method)
-    # or an get/set method for an attribut (binding-> attribut)
-    if (server_method!=None):
-      # call method with params
-      result=server_method(*params)
-    # check if it's the close object method
-    elif (method=="_close"):
-      result=self.releaseDynamicObject(o)
-    else:
-      ## check wether its the set or the get method for the attribut
-      mparts=string.splitfields(method,'.')
-      mparts.reverse()
-      calltype=mparts[0]
-      calltype=calltype[:4]
-      GDebug.printMesg(9,'method %s has calling type %s' %\
-                       (method,calltype))
-      if calltype=='set_':
-        # setAttribut method
-        server_attribute=params[0]
-      elif calltype=='get_':
-        # getAttribut method
-        result=server_attribute
-      else:
-        tmsg = u_("Internal Server XML-RPC error: method type (get/set "
-                  "attribute) couldn't be detected (method %s)") % method
-        raise AttributeError, tmsg
-    # replace real object in param with an object handle
-    if type(result)==type(self):  ## both should be instances
-       ObjectLibrarian.archiveObject(result)
-       # get the type of the result
-       rtype=signature[0]
-       # delete the surrounding brackets < >
-       rtype=rtype[1:len(rtype)-1]
-       # store typeinfo in new object
-       result._type=rtype
-       result=ObjectLibrarian.getObjectReference(result)
-       self.registerDynamicObject(result,rtype)
-    # check for empty results (not allowed for XMLRPC)
-    if (result==None) or (result==[None]):
-      GDebug.printMesg(9,'Transform result None into 1')
-      result=1
-    return result
+  def __repr__ (self):
+    return "<Pyro RPC server serving '%s' at %d>" % (self.instance, id (self))

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