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[gnue-contrib] r205 - in hotline: forms reports schema

From: kilo
Subject: [gnue-contrib] r205 - in hotline: forms reports schema
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 05:44:07 -0600 (CST)

Author: kilo
Date: 2005-01-20 05:44:07 -0600 (Thu, 20 Jan 2005)
New Revision: 205

Added Hungarian version

Added: hotline/forms/hotline-hu.gfd
--- hotline/forms/hotline-hu.gfd        2005-01-20 11:43:34 UTC (rev 204)
+++ hotline/forms/hotline-hu.gfd        2005-01-20 11:44:07 UTC (rev 205)
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso8859-2"?>
+    Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation
+    This file is part of GNU Enterprise Hotline.
+    GNU Enterprise Hotline is free software; you can redistribute it
+    and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    GNU Enterprise Hotline is distributed in the hope that it will be
+    useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with GNU Enterprise Hotline; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+    write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
+    Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+    $Id$
+<form title="Hotline">
+  <options/>
+  <datasource name="dtsContributor" connection="hotline"
+    table="hotline_mitarbeiter" prequery="Y"/>
+  <datasource name="dtsContributor2" connection="hotline"
+    table="hotline_mitarbeiter" />
+  <datasource name="dtsProduct" connection="hotline" table="hotline_produkt"
+    prequery="Y"/>
+  <datasource name="dtsReason" connection="hotline" table="hotline_grund"
+    prequery="Y"/>
+  <datasource name="dtsCustomer" connection="hotline" table="hotline_kunde"/>
+  <datasource name="dtsContact" connection="hotline" table="hotline_kontakt"
+      master="dtsCustomer" masterlink="gnue_id" detaillink="hotline_kunde"
+      prequery="Y"/>
+  <datasource name="dtsTicket" connection="hotline" table="hotline_ticket"/>
+  <datasource name="dtsActivity" connection="hotline" table="hotline_leistung"
+    master="dtsTicket" masterlink="gnue_id" detaillink="hotline_ticket"/>
+  <datasource name="dtsParameter" connection="hotline"
+    table="hotline_parameter"/>
+  <datasource name="dtsStatus" type="static" prequery="Y">
+    <staticset fields="key,descr">
+      <staticsetrow>
+        <staticsetfield name="key" value="O"/>
+        <staticsetfield name="descr" value="Nyitott"/>
+      </staticsetrow>
+      <staticsetrow>
+        <staticsetfield name="key" value="W"/>
+        <staticsetfield name="descr" value="V�rakoz�"/>
+      </staticsetrow>
+      <staticsetrow>
+        <staticsetfield name="key" value="E"/>
+        <staticsetfield name="descr" value="K�sz"/>
+      </staticsetrow>
+    </staticset>
+  </datasource>
+  <datasource name="dtsOpenTickets" connection="hotline"
+    table="hotline_ticket">
+    <condition>
+      <or>
+        <ne>
+          <cfield name="hotline_status"/>
+          <cconst value="E"/>
+        </ne>
+        <null>
+          <cfield name="hotline_status"/>
+        </null>
+      </or>
+    </condition>
+  </datasource>
+  <trigger type="On-Activation">
+    # When activating the Form it tries to load to correct
+    # contributor
+    import os
+    if os.environ.has_key ('USER'):
+      username = os.environ ['USER']
+      res = dtsContributor2.simpleQuery ({'hotline_username': username})
+      if res [0].has_key ('gnue_id'):
+        blkSelect.fldMitarbeiter.set (res [0] ['gnue_id'])
+        setParameter ('mitarbeiter', res [0]['gnue_id'])
+    res = dtsParameter.createResultSet ()
+  </trigger>
+  <logic>
+    <trigger name="customer_search" type="NAMED">
+      # This trigger tries to find a customer number based on the actual word
+      # in the customer (Kunde) field
+      import mx.DateTime
+      value     = blkSelect.fldKunde.get ()
+      selected  = False
+      selTicket = True
+      updGrund  = True
+      if len (value):
+        # customer number entered?
+        dtsCustomer.simpleQuery ({'hotline_nummer': value})
+        if not blkCustomer.isEmpty () and dtsCustomer.count () == 1:
+          selected = True
+        else:
+          # Matchcode entered?
+          value += "%"
+          dtsCustomer.simpleQuery ({'hotline_matchcode': value})
+          if blkCustomer.isEmpty ():
+            abort ("Nincs '%s' nev� �gyf�l!" % blkSelect.fldKunde)
+          # Matchcode unambiguous?
+          if dtsCustomer.count () == 1:
+            selected = True
+      else:
+        res = dtsOpenTickets.createResultSet ()
+        if res.getRecordCount ():
+          params = {'ticket': None, 'kunde': None}
+          activateDialog ('selectTicket', params, 1)
+          if params.get ('ticket') is not None:
+            dtsCustomer.simpleQuery ({'gnue_id': params ['kunde']})
+            dtsTicket.simpleQuery ({'gnue_id': params ['ticket']})
+            selected  = True
+            selTicket = False
+            updGrund  = False
+      # Ambiguous Matchcode or empty entry
+      if not selected:
+        params = {'matchcode': blkSelect.fldKunde.get () or ''}
+        activateDialog ('selectKunde', params, 1)
+        if not params.has_key ('nummer'):       # "Cancel" clicked
+          # Empty Resultset created to clear the entry
+          dtsCustomer.simpleQuery ({'gnue_id': None})
+          return
+        # Selection activated
+        dtsCustomer.simpleQuery ({'hotline_nummer': params ['nummer']})
+      # Customer number set in selection field
+      blkSelect.fldKunde.set (blkCustomer.fldHotlineNummer)
+      # Focus on the contact
+      setFocus (blkTicket.fldKontaktName)
+      # Are there open tickets for this customer?
+      if selTicket and blkCustomer.fldOffene.get ():
+        # Yes: Selection dialog opened
+        params = {'kunde': blkCustomer.fldKundeId.get (), 'ticket': None}
+        activateDialog ('selectTicket', params, 1)
+        if params.get ('ticket'):
+          dtsTicket.simpleQuery ({'gnue_id': params ['ticket']})
+          updGrund = False
+      blkSelect.fldStart.set ( ())
+      # FIXME: This should be done in the initialization of the hotline_ticket 
+      if updGrund and blkCustomer.fldVertrag.get ():
+        res = dtsParameter.createResultSet ()
+        wvgrund = blkParameter.fldWartungsvertrag.get ()
+        blkTicket.fldHotlineGrund.set (wvgrund)
+    </trigger>
+    <trigger name="save_all" type="NAMED">
+      if blkActivity.isSaved ():
+        showMessage ('Tev�kenys�g m�r ment�sre ker�lt vagy v�ltozatlan!?')
+      else:
+        form.commit ()
+        blkSelect.clear ()
+        blkCustomer.clear ()
+        blkTicket.clear ()
+        blkSelect.fldMitarbeiter.set (getParameter ('mitarbeiter'))
+        setFocus (blkSelect.fldKunde)
+    </trigger>
+    <trigger name="revert_all" type="NAMED" >
+      blkTicket.rollback ()
+      blkSelect.clear ()
+      blkCustomer.clear ()
+      blkTicket.clear ()
+      blkSelect.fldMitarbeiter.set (getParameter ('mitarbeiter'))
+      setFocus (blkSelect.fldKunde)
+    </trigger>
+    <block name="blkParameter" datasource="dtsParameter">
+      <field name="fldWartungsvertrag" field="hotline_wartungsvertrag"/>
+    </block>
+    <block name="blkSelect">
+      <field name="fldMitarbeiter" field="hotline_mitarbeiter" fk_key="gnue_id"
+        fk_description="hotline_name" fk_source="dtsContributor"/>
+      <field name="fldStart"/>
+      <field name="fldKunde" field="hotline_kunde" case="upper"/>
+      <field name="fldName"/>
+    </block>
+    <block name="blkCustomer" datasource="dtsCustomer">
+      <field name="fldHotlineName1" field="hotline_name1" max_length="35"
+        readonly="Y"/>
+      <field name="fldHotlineNummer" field="hotline_nummer" max_length="17"
+        readonly="Y"/>
+      <field name="fldHotlineOrt" field="hotline_ort" max_length="35"
+        readonly="Y"/>
+      <field name="fldTelefon" field="hotline_telefon"
+        max_length="35" readonly="Y"/>
+      <field name="fldKundeId" field="gnue_id" readonly="Y"/>
+      <field name="fldVertrag" field="hotline_vertrag" readonly="Y"/>
+      <field name="fldOffene" field="hotline_offeneTickets" readonly="Y"/>
+    </block>
+    <block name="blkTicket" datasource="dtsTicket">
+      <field name="fldKontaktName" field="hotline_kontakt" fk_key="gnue_id"
+        fk_description="hotline_name" fk_source="dtsContact"/>
+      <field name="fldKontaktTelefon" field="hotline_kontakt" fk_key="gnue_id"
+        fk_description="hotline_telefon" fk_source="dtsContact"/>
+      <field name="fldKontaktEmail" field="hotline_kontakt" fk_key="gnue_id"
+        fk_description="hotline_email" fk_source="dtsContact"/>
+      <field name="fldProdukt" field="hotline_produkt" fk_key="gnue_id"
+        fk_description="hotline_name" fk_source="dtsProduct"/>
+      <field name="fldHotlineText" field="hotlineHU_text"/>
+      <field name="fldHotlineGrund" field="hotline_grund" fk_key="gnue_id"
+        fk_description="hotline_name" fk_source="dtsReason"/>
+      <field name="fldHotlineStatus" field="hotline_status" fk_key="key"
+        fk_description="descr" fk_source="dtsStatus"/>
+    </block>
+    <block name="blkActivity" datasource="dtsActivity">
+      <field name="fldHotlineText" field="hotlineHU_text"/>
+      <field name="fldHotlineStart" field="hotline_start" typecast="date"/>
+      <field name="fldHotlineEnde" field="hotline_ende" typecast="date">
+        <trigger name="TimeUpdate" type="PRE-FOCUSIN">
+          import mx.DateTime
+          curr = blkActivity.fldHotlineEnde.get ()
+          if curr is None or curr == '':
+            blkActivity.fldHotlineEnde.set ( ())
+        </trigger>
+      </field>
+      <field name="fldHotlineMitarbeiter" field="hotline_mitarbeiter"/>
+      <field name="fldHotlineTicket" field="hotline_ticket" max_length="32"/>
+      <trigger name="Startzeit" type="PRE-FOCUSIN">
+        import mx.DateTime
+        newTime = blkSelect.fldStart.get ()
+        if isinstance (newTime, mx.DateTime.DateTimeType):
+          if blkActivity.fldHotlineStart.isEmpty ():
+            blkActivity.fldHotlineStart.set (blkSelect.fldStart.get ())
+          if blkActivity.fldHotlineMitarbeiter.isEmpty ():
+            mit = blkSelect.fldMitarbeiter.get ()
+            blkActivity.fldHotlineMitarbeiter.set (mit)
+      </trigger>
+    </block>
+    <block name="blkOpenTickets" datasource="dtsOpenTickets">
+      <field name="fldStatus" field="hotline_status" max_length="1" />
+    </block>
+  </logic>
+  <layout xmlns:c="GNUe:Layout:Char" c:height="20" c:width="79" tabbed="top">
+    <page name="Hotline">
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="10" c:x="2" c:y="1"  text="Munkat�rs:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="7"  c:x="2" c:y="2"  text="�gyf�l:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="6"  c:x="2" c:y="3"  text="N�v-1:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="8"  c:x="2" c:y="4"  text="Helys�g:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="8"  c:x="2" c:y="5"  text="Telefon:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="8"  c:x="2" c:y="6"  text="Kontakt:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="8"  c:x="2" c:y="7"  text="Telefon:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="7"  c:x="2" c:y="8"  text="E-mail:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="7"  c:x="2" c:y="9"  text="Term�k:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="9"  c:x="2" c:y="10" text="Probl�ma:"/>
+      <entry name="inpMitarbeiter"  c:height="1" c:width="35" c:x="14" c:y="1"
+        block="blkSelect" field="fldMitarbeiter" style="dropdown"
+        focusorder="1"/>
+      <entry name="inpKunde"        c:height="1" c:width="17" c:x="14" c:y="2"
+        block="blkSelect" field="fldKunde"/>
+      <button name="btnKunde"       c:height="1" c:width="10" c:x="65" c:y="2"
+        label="Keres">
+        <trigger type="ON-ACTION" src="customer_search"/>
+      </button>
+      <entry name="inpName1"        c:height="1" c:width="35" c:x="14" c:y="3"
+        block="blkCustomer" field="fldHotlineName1" style="label"/>
+      <entry name="inpOrt"          c:height="1" c:width="35" c:x="14" c:y="4"
+        block="blkCustomer" field="fldHotlineOrt" style="label"/>
+      <entry name="inpTelefon"      c:height="1" c:width="35" c:x="14" c:y="5"
+        block="blkCustomer" field="fldTelefon" style="label"/>
+      <entry name="inpKontakt"      c:height="1" c:width="35" c:x="14" c:y="6"
+        block="blkTicket" field="fldKontaktName" style="dropdown"/>
+      <entry name="inpKTel"         c:height="1" c:width="35" c:x="14" c:y="7"
+        block="blkTicket" field="fldKontaktTelefon" style="label"/>
+      <entry name="inpMail"         c:height="1" c:width="35" c:x="14" c:y="8"
+        block="blkTicket" field="fldKontaktEmail" style="label"/>
+      <entry name="inpProdukt"      c:height="1" c:width="35" c:x="14" c:y="9"
+        block="blkTicket" field="fldProdukt" style="dropdown"/>
+      <entry name="inpProblem"      c:height="1" c:width="60" c:x="14" c:y="10"
+        block="blkTicket" field="fldHotlineText"/>
+      <box   c:height="5" c:width="76" c:x="0" c:y="11" label="Tev�kenys�g"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="10" c:x="2" c:y="12" text="R�szletek:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="6"  c:x="2" c:y="13" text="Kezd.:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="5"  c:x="2" c:y="14" text="V�ge:"/>
+      <entry name="inpAktion"       c:height="1" c:width="60" c:x="14" c:y="12"
+        block="blkActivity" field="fldHotlineText"/>
+      <entry name="inpStart"        c:height="1" c:width="60" c:x="14" c:y="13"
+        block="blkActivity" field="fldHotlineStart"
+        inputmask="%x %X" displaymask="%x %X"/>
+      <entry name="inpEnde"         c:height="1" c:width="60" c:x="14" c:y="14"
+        block="blkActivity" field="fldHotlineEnde"
+        inputmask="%x %X" displaymask="%x %X"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="8" c:x="2" c:y="16" text="�llapot:"/>
+      <label c:height="1" c:width="9" c:x="2" c:y="17" text="Ingyenes:"/>
+      <entry name="inpStatus"       c:height="1" c:width="15" c:x="14" c:y="16"
+        block="blkTicket" field="fldHotlineStatus" style="dropdown"/>
+      <entry name="inpStatus"       c:height="1" c:width="35" c:x="14" c:y="17"
+        block="blkTicket" field="fldHotlineGrund" style="dropdown"/>
+      <button name="btnSave"        c:height="1" c:width="10" c:x="54" c:y="17"
+        label="T�rol">
+        <trigger type="ON-ACTION" src="save_all"/>
+      </button>
+      <button name="btnRevert"      c:height="1" c:width="10" c:x="65" c:y="17"
+        label="Vissza">
+        <trigger type="ON-ACTION" src="revert_all" />
+      </button>
+    </page>
+  </layout>
+  <!-- ================================================================= -->
+  <!-- Dialog for choosing a customer                                    -->
+  <!-- ================================================================= -->
+  <dialog xmlns:c="GNUe:Layout:Char" name="selectKunde" title="�gyf�l 
+    <trigger type="On-Startup">
+      form.setFeature ('GUI:MENUBAR:SUPPRESS', True)
+      form.setFeature ('GUI:TOOLBAR:SUPPRESS', True)
+      form.setFeature ('GUI:STATUSBAR:SUPPRESS', True)
+    </trigger>
+    <trigger type="On-Activation">
+      # At dialog activation all customers with Matchcode like
+      # Parameter is read
+      match = getParameter ('matchcode') + "%"
+      dts.simpleQuery ({'hotline_matchcode': match})
+    </trigger>
+    <datasource name="dts" connection="hotline" table="hotline_kunde"/>
+    <logic>
+      <block name="blk" datasource="dts" rows="12"
+        restrictInsert="Y" restrictDelete="Y">
+        <field name="fldNummer"    field="hotline_nummer"    readonly="Y"/>
+        <field name="fldMatchcode" field="hotline_matchcode" readonly="Y"/>
+        <field name="fldName1"     field="hotline_name1"     readonly="Y"/>
+        <field name="fldOrt"       field="hotline_ort"       readonly="Y"/>
+      </block>
+    </logic>
+    <layout xmlns:c="GNUe:Layout:Char" c:width="66" c:height="15">
+      <page>
+        <label c:x="1"  c:y="0" c:width="4" c:height="1" text="Sz�m"   />
+        <label c:x="12" c:y="0" c:width="9" c:height="1" text="Keres�k�d"/>
+        <label c:x="30" c:y="0" c:width="5" c:height="1" text="N�v-1"   />
+        <entry c:x="1"  c:y="1" c:width="10" block="blk" field="fldNummer"
+          focusorder="1" />
+        <entry c:x="12" c:y="1" c:width="17" block="blk" field="fldMatchcode"
+          navigable="False"/>
+        <entry c:x="30" c:y="1" c:width="35" block="blk" field="fldName1"
+          navigable="False"/>
+        <button c:x="1" c:y="14" c:width="10" c:height="1" label="Ok">
+          <trigger name="Ok" type="On-Action">
+            setParameter ('nummer', blk.fldNummer.get ())
+            close ()
+          </trigger>
+        </button>
+        <button c:x="12" c:y="14" c:width="10" c:height="1" label="Cancel">
+          <trigger name="M�gsem" type="On-Action">
+            close ()
+          </trigger>
+        </button>
+      </page>
+    </layout>
+  </dialog>
+  <!-- ================================================================= -->
+  <!-- Dialog to select a Call for a customer                            -->
+  <!-- ================================================================= -->
+  <dialog xmlns:c="GNUe:Layout:Char" name="selectTicket"
+    title="Le nem z�rt probl�ma kiv�laszt�sa">
+    <trigger type="On-Startup">
+      form.setFeature('GUI:MENUBAR:SUPPRESS', 1)
+      form.setFeature('GUI:TOOLBAR:SUPPRESS', 1)
+      form.setFeature('GUI:STATUSBAR:SUPPRESS', 1)
+    </trigger>
+    <trigger type="On-Activation">
+      kunde = getParameter ('kunde')
+      if kunde:
+        form.setTitle ('�gyf�l le nem z�rt probl�m�j�nak kiv�laszt�sa')
+        dts.simpleQuery ({'hotline_kontakt.hotline_kunde': kunde})
+      else:
+        form.setTitle ('Le nem z�rt probl�ma kiv�laszt�sa')
+        dts.simpleQuery ({})
+    </trigger>
+    <datasource name="dts" connection="hotline" table="hotline_ticket">
+      <conditions>
+        <or>
+          <ne>
+            <cfield name="hotline_status"/>
+            <cconst value="E"/>
+          </ne>
+          <null>
+            <cfield name="hotline_status"/>
+          </null>
+        </or>
+      </conditions>
+    </datasource>
+    <logic>
+      <block name="blk" datasource="dts" rows="12"
+        restrictInsert="Y" restrictDelete="Y">
+        <field name="fldId"      field="gnue_id"        readonly="Y"/>
+        <field name="fldStatus"  field="hotline_status" readonly="Y"/>
+        <field name="fldText"    field="hotline_text"   readonly="Y"/>
+        <field name="fldKontakt" field="hotline_kontakt.hotline_name"
+          readonly="Y"/>
+        <field name="fldKunde" field="hotline_kontakt.hotline_kunde"
+          readonly="Y" />
+      </block>
+    </logic>
+    <layout xmlns:c="GNUe:Layout:Char" c:width="76" c:height="15">
+      <page>
+        <label c:x="1"  c:y="0" c:width="7" c:height="1" text="Kontakt"/>
+        <label c:x="21" c:y="0" c:width="8" c:height="1" text="Probl�ma"/>
+        <label c:x="69" c:y="0" c:width="7" c:height="1" text="�llapot"/>
+        <entry c:x="1"  c:y="1" c:width="19" block="blk" field="fldKontakt"
+          focusorder="1" />
+        <entry c:x="21" c:y="1" c:width="50" block="blk" field="fldText"
+          navigable="False"/>
+        <entry c:x="72" c:y="1" c:width="3"  block="blk" field="fldStatus"
+          navigable="False"/>
+        <button c:x="1" c:y="14" c:width="10" c:height="1" label="Ok">
+          <trigger name="Ok" type="On-Action">
+            setParameter ('ticket', blk.fldId.get ())
+            setParameter ('kunde', blk.fldCustomer.get ())
+            close ()
+          </trigger>
+        </button>
+        <button c:x="12" c:y="14" c:width="10" c:height="1" label="Cancel">
+          <trigger name="M�gsem" type="On-Action">
+            close ()
+          </trigger>
+        </button>
+      </page>
+    </layout>
+  </dialog>

Property changes on: hotline/forms/hotline-hu.gfd
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: hotline/reports/rechnungen-hu.grd
--- hotline/reports/rechnungen-hu.grd   2005-01-20 11:43:34 UTC (rev 204)
+++ hotline/reports/rechnungen-hu.grd   2005-01-20 11:44:07 UTC (rev 205)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso8859-2"?>
+    Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation
+    This file is part of GNU Enterprise Hotline.
+    GNU Enterprise Hotline is free software; you can redistribute it
+    and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    GNU Enterprise Hotline is distributed in the hope that it will be
+    useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with GNU Enterprise Hotline; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+    write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
+    Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+    $Id$
+<report title="Sz�ml�zand� t�telek">
+  <parameters>
+    <parameter name="vonDatum" description="Kezd� d�tum" default="0001-01-01 
+    <parameter name="bisDatum" description="Befejez� d�tum" 
default="9999-12-31 23:59:00"/>
+  </parameters>
+  <sources>
+    <datasource name="dtsTicket" connection="hotline" table="hotline_ticket"
+      order_by="hotline_kontakt.hotline_kunde.hotline_nummer">
+      <condition>
+        <and>
+          <eq>
+            <cfield name="hotline_status"/>
+            <cconst value="E"/>
+          </eq>
+          <null>
+            <cfield name="hotline_grund"/>
+          </null>
+          <between>
+            <cfield name="hotline_enddatum"/>
+            <cparam name="vondatum"/>
+            <cparam name="bisdatum"/>
+          </between>
+        </and>
+      </condition>
+    </datasource>
+  </sources>
+  <layout>
+    <out:report xmlns:out="GNUe:Reports:SimpleTabulation">
+      <out:reportTitle>Sz�ml�zand� t�telek</out:reportTitle>
+      <out:section break="page">
+        <out:table width="100%">
+          <out:tablehead>
+            <out:colhead>�gyf�l</out:colhead>
+            <out:colhead>Bejelent�</out:colhead>
+            <out:colhead>Kezd</out:colhead>
+            <out:colhead>V�ge</out:colhead>
+            <out:colhead>Munkat�rs</out:colhead>
+            <out:colhead>Teljes id�</out:colhead>
+            <out:colhead>Term�k</out:colhead>
+            <out:colhead>Hiba</out:colhead>
+          </out:tablehead>
+          <section name="tickets" source="dtsTicket">
+            <out:row>
+              <out:col><field 
+              <out:col><field name="hotline_kontakt.hotline_name"/></out:col>
+              <out:col><field name="hotline_startdatum"/></out:col>
+              <out:col><field name="hotline_enddatum"/></out:col>
+              <out:col><field name="hotline_mitarbeiter"/></out:col>
+              <out:col><field name="hotline_gesamtzeit"/></out:col>
+              <out:col><field 
+              <out:col><field name="hotlinehu_text"/></out:col>
+            </out:row>
+          </section>
+        </out:table>
+      </out:section>
+    </out:report>
+  </layout>

Property changes on: hotline/reports/rechnungen-hu.grd
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: hotline/schema/hotline-hu.gcd
--- hotline/schema/hotline-hu.gcd       2005-01-20 11:43:34 UTC (rev 204)
+++ hotline/schema/hotline-hu.gcd       2005-01-20 11:44:07 UTC (rev 205)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso8859-1"?>
+    Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation
+    This file is part of GNU Enterprise Hotline.
+    GNU Enterprise Hotline is free software; you can redistribute it
+    and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    GNU Enterprise Hotline is distributed in the hope that it will be
+    useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with GNU Enterprise Hotline; see the file COPYING.  If not,
+    write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
+    Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+    $Id$
+<module name="hotlineHU" comment="Magyar kiegeszitesek">
+  <!-- CLASS: hotline_leistung -->
+  <class name="leistung" module="hotline" comment="Leistungen zu einem Ticket">
+    <property name="text" type="string" comment="Tatigkeit"/>
+  </class>
+  <!-- CLASS: hotline_ticket -->
+  <class name="ticket" module="hotline" comment="Hotline-Ticket">
+    <property name="text" type="string" comment="Problembeschreibung"/>
+  </class>

Property changes on: hotline/schema/hotline-hu.gcd
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

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