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gnue designer/src/ designer/te...

From: James Thompson
Subject: gnue designer/src/ designer/te...
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 22:13:55 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gnue
Module name:    gnue
Changes by:     James Thompson <address@hidden> 02/02/28 22:13:51

Modified files:
        designer/src   : 
        forms/src      : 

Log message:
        Working Form Builder Template(still need pages support)
        Added Select All button to field selection lists
        Removed printed tracing stuff


Index: gnue/designer/src/
diff -c gnue/designer/src/ 
*** gnue/designer/src/     Fri Jan 25 11:37:47 2002
--- gnue/designer/src/ Thu Feb 28 22:13:51 2002
*** 369,383 ****
--- 369,386 ----
      self.delButton = wxButton(self, -1, "< Remove  ")
      self.upButton = wxButton(self, -1, "Move Up")
      self.downButton = wxButton(self, -1, "Move Down")
+     self.selectAllButton = wxButton(self, -1, "Select All")
+     self.selectAllButton.SetSize(self.downButton.GetSize())
+     self.selectAllButton.Enable(1)
      self.list1 =     wxListBox(self, -1, wxPoint(6,6), \
*** 398,406 ****
      self.delButton.SetPosition(wxPoint(lw + 12, 16 + bh))
      self.upButton.SetPosition(wxPoint(lw + 12, 26 + bh*2))
      self.downButton.SetPosition(wxPoint(lw + 12, 30 + bh*3))
!                               36 + bh*4))
--- 401,410 ----
      self.delButton.SetPosition(wxPoint(lw + 12, 16 + bh))
      self.upButton.SetPosition(wxPoint(lw + 12, 26 + bh*2))
      self.downButton.SetPosition(wxPoint(lw + 12, 30 + bh*3))
+     self.selectAllButton.SetPosition(wxPoint(lw + 12, 34 + bh*4))
!                               50 + bh*4))
*** 412,417 ****
--- 416,422 ----
      EVT_BUTTON(self, self.delButton.GetId(), self.OnRemove)
      EVT_BUTTON(self, self.upButton.GetId(), self.OnMoveUp)
      EVT_BUTTON(self, self.downButton.GetId(), self.OnMoveDown)
+     EVT_BUTTON(self, self.selectAllButton.GetId(), self.OnSelectAll)
      EVT_LISTBOX(self, self.list1.GetId(), self.OnSelectLeft)
      EVT_LISTBOX(self, self.list2.GetId(), self.OnSelectRight)
*** 477,482 ****
--- 482,493 ----
      for i in self.list1.GetSelections(): 
+   def OnSelectAll(self, event):
+     count = self.list1.Number()
+     for count in range(count):
+       self.list1.SetSelection(count)
+     self.addButton.Enable(1)
    def OnAdd(self, event):
      sel = list(self.list1.GetSelections())
Index: gnue/designer/templates/forms/
diff -c gnue/designer/templates/forms/ 
*** gnue/designer/templates/forms/    Thu Feb 28 11:44:23 2002
--- gnue/designer/templates/forms/        Thu Feb 28 22:13:51 2002
*** 280,286 ****
        return   { 'title': 'Detail key fields',
                   'content': (WizardText('Which detail-level fields are the 
foreign keys?'),
!                              WizardInput('detailkeys', label='Columns:', 
                                           maxSelections=-1, orderable=1,
                                           set=self.GetAvailableFields( \
% iteration],
--- 280,286 ----
        return   { 'title': 'Detail key fields',
                   'content': (WizardText('Which detail-level fields are the 
foreign keys?'),
!                              WizardInput('detailkeys%s' % iteration, 
label='Columns:', required=1,
                                           maxSelections=-1, orderable=1,
                                           set=self.GetAvailableFields( \
% iteration],
*** 313,319 ****
                   'next': '1or8:%s' % (iteration+1) }
      elif step == '8':
        return   { 'title': "That's it!",
                   'content': (WizardText('Click finish to create your 
                   'prev': '7:%s' % (iteration-1),
--- 313,318 ----
*** 343,739 ****
    # No more user input is allowed at this point.
    def Finalize(self):
!     ####
!     ####  Master block
!     ####
!     # We will use the table name as the basis for all our
!     # object names. We will add a prefix based on the object
!     # type to the table name. Capitalize the first letter and
!     # strip all spaces...
!     if len(self.variables['mastertable']) == 1:
!       tableKey = string.upper(self.variables['mastertable'])
!     else:
!       tableKey = string.upper(self.variables['mastertable'][0]) + \
!                     string.replace(self.variables['mastertable'][1:],' ','_')
!     # Is this a grid style form?
!     multirecord = self.variables['masterarrangement'] == 'grid'
!     # Will labels appear above or to the left of the entries?
!     # Note: this results in false for both "grid" and "above"
!     leftlabels = self.variables['masterarrangement'] == 'left'
      # Set the basic attributes of the form
      self.form.title = self.variables['title']
-     # Create a single datasource based on user's input
-     datasource = self.AddElement('datasource', self.form,
-        {  'database': self.variables['connection'],
-           'table': self.variables['mastertable'],
-           'type': 'object',
-           'name': 'dts%s' %  tableKey })
      # Create a single page on which to place blocks and labels
      page = self.AddElement('page', self.form,
!        {  'name': 'pg%s' % tableKey })
!     # We will need a block to hold our entries...
!     # The basic attributes for a block
!     attrs = {'name' : 'blk%s' % tableKey,
!              'datasource':}
!     # If this is a multirecord form, set rows at the block level.
!     if multirecord:
!       attrs['rows'] = 10
!     # Create the block
!     block = self.AddElement('block', page, attrs)
!     masterSchema = self.GetSourceSchema(self.variables['connection'],
!                          self.variables['mastertable'])
!     # Create the entries and labels...
!     # Make a map of all the field schemas we will need
!     # We will not actually create the entries at this point
!     # because we want to keep in the order that the user
!     # specified
!     fields = {}
!     for field in masterSchema.getChildSchema(masterSchema):
!       if in self.variables['masterfields']:
!         fields[] = field
!     entryQueue = []
!     labelQueue = []
!     largestField = 0
!     largestLabel = 0
!     # Now, let's make all the entries
!     for name in self.variables['masterfields']:
!       field = fields[name]
!       # We will use the field name as the basis for all our
!       # entry and label names.  Capitalize the first letter
!       # and strip all spaces...
!       if len( == 1:
!         fieldKey = string.upper(
!       else:
!         fieldKey = string.join(string.split(string.capwords( \
!                      string.replace(,'_',' '))),'')
!       # Create a label. If the schema specified a label for a field,
!       # use that as is.  If not, use the field name, replacing any '_'
!       # with spaces and tacking on a colon.
!       text = hasattr(field,'label') and label or \
!              string.capwords(string.replace(,'_',' ')) + ':'
!       labelQueue.append(self.AddElement('label', page,
!                   {'x':1, 'y': 1,
!                    'name': "lbl%s" % fieldKey,
!                    'text': text,
!                    'width': len(text)}))
!       # Keep track of the greatest label width
!       largestLabel = largestLabel < len(text) and len(text) or largestLabel
!       # Create an entry for this field.
!       attrs={'x':1, 'y': 1,
!              'name': "inp%s" % fieldKey,
!              'field':,
!              'typecast': field.datatype,
!              'width': 10}
!       # If we have a length for the field, use this as the max_length
!       # for the entry. Also, adjust the display width if necessary.
!       if hasattr(field,'length'):
!         attrs['max_length'] = field.length
!         if field.length < 25:
!           attrs['width'] = field.length
!           attrs['width'] = 25
!       # Keep track of the greatest field width
!       largestField = largestField < attrs['width'] and \
!              attrs['width'] or largestField
!       # Create the entry element
!       entryQueue.append(self.AddElement('entry', block, attrs))
!     # Rearrange the fields and labels to snugly fit the screen
!     # based on the layout arrangement selected by the user.
!     # Grid/multirecord layout
!     if multirecord:
!       self.form.height = 13
!       self.form.width = 1
!       x = 1
!       for i in range(len(entryQueue)):
!         labelQueue[i].x = x
!         labelQueue[i].y = 1
!         entryQueue[i].x = x
!         entryQueue[i].y = 2
!         # If label width is larger than entry width, center the entry
!         if entryQueue[i].width < labelQueue[i].width:
!           entryQueue[i].x = entryQueue[i].x + \
!               int((labelQueue[i].width - entryQueue[i].width)/2)
!         # Calculate the starting x for the next label/entry
!         dx = (entryQueue[i].width < labelQueue[i].width and \
!               labelQueue[i].width or entryQueue[i].width) + 1
!         # Increase the form width accordingly
!         self.form.width = self.form.width + dx
!         x = x + dx
-     # Single Record layout (regardless of label location)
-     else:
!       # Assign the starting (x,y) values for labels (l) and fields (f)
!       # as well as the delta (x,y) values.
!       if leftlabels:
!         # Labels to the left of the entries
!         lx, ly, ldx, ldy = (1, 1, 0, 1)
!         fx, fy, fdx, fdy = (largestLabel + 2, 1, 0, 1)
!         # Set form width
!         self.form.width = largestField + largestLabel + 3
!       else:
!         # Labels above the entries
!         lx, ly, ldx, ldy = (1, 1, 0, 3)
!         fx, fy, fdx, fdy = (1, 2, 0, 3)
!         # Set the form width
!         self.form.width = 2 + (largestField > largestLabel and largestField \
!                                or largestLabel)
!       # Rearrange
!       self.form.height = fy+2-fdy
!       for i in range(len(entryQueue)):
!         entryQueue[i].x = fx
!         entryQueue[i].y = fy
!         labelQueue[i].x = lx
!         labelQueue[i].y = ly
!         ly = ly + ldy
!         lx = lx + ldx
!         fy = fy + fdy
!         fx = fx + fdx
!         self.form.height = self.form.height + fdy
!     masterDataSource = datasource
!     ####
!     ####  Detail block
!     ####
!     basey = self.form.height - 1
!     # We will use the table name as the basis for all our
!     # object names. We will add a prefix based on the object
!     # type to the table name. Capitalize the first letter and
!     # strip all spaces...
!     if len(self.variables['detailtable']) == 1:
!       tableKey = string.upper(self.variables['detailtable'])
!     else:
!       tableKey = string.upper(self.variables['detailtable'][0]) + \
!                     string.replace(self.variables['detailtable'][1:],' ','_')
!     # Is this a grid style form?
!     multirecord = self.variables['detailarrangement'] == 'grid'
!     # Will labels appear above or to the left of the entries?
!     # Note: this results in false for both "grid" and "above"
!     leftlabels = self.variables['detailarrangement'] == 'left'
!     # Create a single datasource based on user's input
!     datasource = self.AddElement('datasource', self.form,
!        {  'database': self.variables['connection'],
!           'table': self.variables['detailtable'],
!           'type': 'object',
!           'name': 'dts%s' %  tableKey })
!     # We will need a block to hold our entries...
!     # The basic attributes for a block
!     attrs = {'name' : 'blk%s' % tableKey,
!              'datasource':}
!     # If this is a multirecord form, set rows at the block level.
!     if multirecord:
!       attrs['rows'] = 10
!     # Create the block
!     block = self.AddElement('block', page, attrs)
!     detailSchema = self.GetSourceSchema(self.variables['connection'],
!                          self.variables['detailtable'])
!     # Create the entries and labels...
!     # Make a map of all the field schemas we will need
!     # We will not actually create the entries at this point
!     # because we want to keep in the order that the user
!     # specified
!     fields = {}
!     for field in detailSchema.getChildSchema(detailSchema):
!       if in self.variables['detailfields']:
!         fields[] = field
!     entryQueue = []
!     labelQueue = []
!     largestField = 0
!     largestLabel = 0
!     # Now, let's make all the entries
!     for name in self.variables['detailfields']:
!       field = fields[name]
!       # We will use the field name as the basis for all our
!       # entry and label names.  Capitalize the first letter
!       # and strip all spaces...
!       if len( == 1:
!         fieldKey = string.upper(
!       else:
!         fieldKey = string.join(string.split(string.capwords( \
!                      string.replace(,'_',' '))),'')
!       # Create a label. If the schema specified a label for a field,
!       # use that as is.  If not, use the field name, replacing any '_'
!       # with spaces and tacking on a colon.
!       text = hasattr(field,'label') and label or \
!              string.capwords(string.replace(,'_',' ')) + ':'
!       labelQueue.append(self.AddElement('label', page,
!                   {'x':1, 'y': 1,
!                    'name': "lbl%s" % fieldKey,
!                    'text': text,
!                    'width': len(text)}))
!       # Keep track of the greatest label width
!       largestLabel = largestLabel < len(text) and len(text) or largestLabel
!       # Create an entry for this field.
!       attrs={'x':1, 'y': 1,
!              'name': "inp%s" % fieldKey,
!              'field':,
!              'typecast': field.datatype,
!              'width': 10}
!       # If we have a length for the field, use this as the max_length
!       # for the entry. Also, adjust the display width if necessary.
!       if hasattr(field,'length'):
!         attrs['max_length'] = field.length
!         if field.length < 25:
!           attrs['width'] = field.length
!         else:
!           attrs['width'] = 25
!       # Keep track of the greatest field width
!       largestField = largestField < attrs['width'] and \
!              attrs['width'] or largestField
!       # Create the entry element
!       entryQueue.append(self.AddElement('entry', block, attrs))
-     # Rearrange the fields and labels to snugly fit the screen
-     # based on the layout arrangement selected by the user.
!     # Grid/multirecord layout
!     if multirecord:
!       self.form.height += 12
!       form_width = 1
!       x = 1
!       for i in range(len(entryQueue)):
!         labelQueue[i].x = x
!         labelQueue[i].y = basey + 1
!         entryQueue[i].x = x
!         entryQueue[i].y = basey + 2
!         # If label width is larger than entry width, center the entry
!         if entryQueue[i].width < labelQueue[i].width:
!           entryQueue[i].x = entryQueue[i].x + \
!               int((labelQueue[i].width - entryQueue[i].width)/2)
!         # Calculate the starting x for the next label/entry
!         dx = (entryQueue[i].width < labelQueue[i].width and \
!               labelQueue[i].width or entryQueue[i].width) + 1
!         # Increase the form width accordingly
!         form_width = form_width + dx
!         x = x + dx
!       self.form.width = max(self.form.width, form_width)
!     # Single Record layout (regardless of label location)
!     else:
!       # Assign the starting (x,y) values for labels (l) and fields (f)
!       # as well as the delta (x,y) values.
!       if leftlabels:
!         # Labels to the left of the entries
!         lx, ly, ldx, ldy = (1, basey + 1, 0, 1)
!         fx, fy, fdx, fdy = (largestLabel + 2, basey + 1, 0, 1)
!         # Set form width
!         self.form.width = max(self.form.width,largestField + largestLabel + 3)
!       else:
!         # Labels above the entries
!         lx, ly, ldx, ldy = (1, basey + 1, 0, 3)
!         fx, fy, fdx, fdy = (1, basey + 2, 0, 3)
!         # Set the form width
!         self.form.width = max(self.form.width, 2 + max(largestField, 
!       # Rearrange
!       self.form.height += 1
!       for i in range(len(entryQueue)):
!         entryQueue[i].x = fx
!         entryQueue[i].y = fy
!         labelQueue[i].x = lx
!         labelQueue[i].y = ly
!         ly = ly + ldy
!         lx = lx + ldx
!         fy = fy + fdy
!         fx = fx + fdx
!         self.form.height = self.form.height + fdy
!     ####
!     #### Set detail datasource to point towards master
!     ####
!     datasource.master =
!     datasource.masterlink = string.join(self.variables['masterkeys'],',')
!     datasource.detaillink = string.join(self.variables['detailkeys'],',')
-     # That's it... we're done.
      return 1
--- 342,536 ----
    # No more user input is allowed at this point.
    def Finalize(self):
!     #
      # Set the basic attributes of the form
+     #
      self.form.title = self.variables['title']
      # Create a single page on which to place blocks and labels
      page = self.AddElement('page', self.form,
!        {  'name': 'pg%s' % '1' })
!     #
!     # Add datasources
!     #
!     basey = 0
!     dataSourceArray = []
!     for count in range(self.variables['iterations']):
!       tableKey = string.upper(self.variables['table%s' % count])
!       datasource = self.AddElement('datasource', self.form,
!                                    {  'database': 
self.variables['connection%s' % count],
!                                       'table': self.variables['table%s' % 
!                                       'type': 'object',
!                                       'name': 'dts%s%s' %  (tableKey,count) })
!       # Is this a grid style block?
!       multirecord = self.variables['tablearrangement%s' % count] == 'grid'
!       # Will labels appear above or to the left of the entries?
!       # Note: this results in false for both "grid" and "above"
!       leftlabels = self.variables['tablearrangement%s' % count] == 'left'
!       # The basic attributes for a block
!       attrs = {'name' : 'blk%s%s' % (tableKey,count),
!                'datasource':}
!       # If this is a multirecord form, set rows at the block level.
!       if multirecord:
!         attrs['rows'] = 10
!       # Create the block
!       block = self.AddElement('block', page, attrs)
!       tableSchema = self.GetSourceSchema(self.variables['connection%s' % 
!                          self.variables['table%s' % count])
!       # Make a map of all the field schemas we will need
!       # We will not actually create the entries at this point
!       # because we want to keep in the order that the user
!       # specified
!       fields = {}
!       for field in tableSchema.getChildSchema(tableSchema):
!         if in self.variables['tablefields%s' % count]:
!           fields[] = field
!       entryQueue = []
!       labelQueue = []
!       largestField = 0
!       largestLabel = 0
!       # Now, let's make all the entries
!       for name in self.variables['tablefields%s' % count]:
!         field = fields[name]
!         # We will use the field name as the basis for all our
!         # entry and label names.  Capitalize the first letter
!         # and strip all spaces...
!         if len( == 1:
!           fieldKey = string.upper(
!           fieldKey = string.join(string.split(string.capwords( \
!                        string.replace(,'_',' '))),'')
+         # Create a label. If the schema specified a label for a field,
+         # use that as is.  If not, use the field name, replacing any '_'
+         # with spaces and tacking on a colon.
+         text = hasattr(field,'label') and label or \
+                string.capwords(string.replace(,'_',' ')) + ':'
!         labelQueue.append(self.AddElement('label', page,
!                     {'x':1, 'y': 1,
!                      'name': "lbl%s" % fieldKey,
!                      'text': text,
!                      'width': len(text)}))
!         # Keep track of the greatest label width
!         largestLabel = largestLabel < len(text) and len(text) or largestLabel
!         # Create an entry for this field.
!         attrs={'x':1, 'y': 1,
!                'name': "inp%s" % fieldKey,
!                'field':,
!                'typecast': field.datatype,
!                'width': 10}
!         # If we have a length for the field, use this as the max_length
!         # for the entry. Also, adjust the display width if necessary.
!         if hasattr(field,'length'):
!           attrs['max_length'] = field.length
!           if field.length < 25:
!             attrs['width'] = field.length
!           else:
!             attrs['width'] = 25
!         # Keep track of the greatest field width
!         largestField = largestField < attrs['width'] and \
!                attrs['width'] or largestField
+         # Create the entry element
+         entryQueue.append(self.AddElement('entry', block, attrs))
!       # Rearrange the fields and labels to snugly fit the screen
!       # based on the layout arrangement selected by the user.
!       # Grid/multirecord layout
!       if multirecord:
!         self.form.height = 13
!         self.form.width = 1
!         x = 1
!         for i in range(len(entryQueue)):
!           labelQueue[i].x = x
!           labelQueue[i].y = basey + 1
!           entryQueue[i].x = x
!           entryQueue[i].y = basey + 2
!           # If label width is larger than entry width, center the entry
!           if entryQueue[i].width < labelQueue[i].width:
!             entryQueue[i].x = entryQueue[i].x + \
!                 int((labelQueue[i].width - entryQueue[i].width)/2)
!           # Calculate the starting x for the next label/entry
!           dx = (entryQueue[i].width < labelQueue[i].width and \
!                 labelQueue[i].width or entryQueue[i].width) + 1
!           # Increase the form width accordingly
!           self.form.width = self.form.width + dx
!           x = x + dx
!       # Single Record layout (regardless of label location)
!       else:
!         # Assign the starting (x,y) values for labels (l) and fields (f)
!         # as well as the delta (x,y) values.
!         if leftlabels:
!           # Labels to the left of the entries
!           lx, ly, ldx, ldy = (1, basey + 1, 0, 1)
!           fx, fy, fdx, fdy = (largestLabel + 2, basey + 1, 0, 1)
!           # Set form width
!           self.form.width = largestField + largestLabel + 3
+         else:
+           # Labels above the entries
+           lx, ly, ldx, ldy = (1, basey +1, 0, 3)
+           fx, fy, fdx, fdy = (1, basey +2, 0, 3)
+           # Set the form width
+           self.form.width = 2 + (largestField > largestLabel and largestField 
+                                  or largestLabel)
+         # Rearrange
+         self.form.height = fy+2-fdy
+         for i in range(len(entryQueue)):
+           entryQueue[i].x = fx
+           entryQueue[i].y = fy
+           labelQueue[i].x = lx
+           labelQueue[i].y = ly
+           ly = ly + ldy
+           lx = lx + ldx
+           fy = fy + fdy
+           fx = fx + fdx
+           self.form.height = self.form.height + fdy
+       basey = self.form.height - 1
+       dataSourceArray.append(datasource)
+       ####
+       #### Set detail datasource to point towards master
+       ####
+       if self.variables['hasmaster%s' % count] == '1':
+         master = int(self.variables['mastertable%s' % count])
+         datasource.master = dataSourceArray[master].name #
+         datasource.masterlink = 
+         datasource.detaillink = 
      return 1
Index: gnue/forms/src/
diff -c gnue/forms/src/ 
*** gnue/forms/src/     Wed Feb 27 02:01:09 2002
--- gnue/forms/src/  Thu Feb 28 22:13:51 2002
*** 469,475 ****
    # TODO: Replace with format mask
    def _buildDisplayHelper(self, val, editing):
!     print "_buildDisplayHelper('%s')" % val
      if val in (None,""):
        return ""
--- 469,475 ----
    # TODO: Replace with format mask
    def _buildDisplayHelper(self, val, editing):
!     #print "_buildDisplayHelper('%s')" % val
      if val in (None,""):
        return ""

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