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gnue gnue-common/src/ gnuef/src/...

From: James Thompson
Subject: gnue gnue-common/src/ gnuef/src/...
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 21:47:16 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    gnue
Changes by:     James Thompson <address@hidden> 01/11/07 21:47:16

Modified files:
        gnuef/src      : 

Log message:
        Kludge to support modal logins properly on win32


Index: gnue/gnue-common/src/
diff -u gnue/gnue-common/src/ 
--- gnue/gnue-common/src/   Mon Nov  5 14:32:53 2001
+++ gnue/gnue-common/src/        Wed Nov  7 21:47:15 2001
@@ -193,7 +193,8 @@
           # We're done!
           attempts = 0
+          self._loginHandler.destroyLoginDialog()
         except GDataObjects.LoginError, error:
           # Oops, they must have entered an invalid user/password.
           # Those silly users.
@@ -201,11 +202,13 @@
           if not attempts:
             # Four times is plenty...
+            self._loginHandler.destroyLoginHandler()
             raise GDataObjects.LoginError, \
                "Unable to log in after 4 attempts.\n\nError: %s" % error
         except GLoginHandler.UserCanceledLogin:
           # Guess they changed their minds. Treat as a login error.
+          self._loginHandler.destroyLoginHandler()
           raise GDataObjects.LoginError, "User canceled the login request."
Index: gnue/gnuef/src/
diff -u gnue/gnuef/src/ gnue/gnuef/src/
--- gnue/gnuef/src/  Sun Nov  4 17:04:48 2001
+++ gnue/gnuef/src/        Wed Nov  7 21:47:15 2001
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@
 ## Only create one instance of wxApp
 ## Use getWxApp() to get or create the
@@ -929,120 +927,120 @@
 class UILoginHandler(GLoginHandler.LoginHandler):
   def __init__(self):
     self._wxapp = getWxApp()
-  def getLogin(self, loginData):
-    if len(loginData[1]):
-#      loginMesg = 'Login required for "%s" (%s)' % (loginData[1], 
-      loginMesg = 'Login required for "%s"' % (loginData[1])
-    else:
-      loginMesg = 'Login required for %s' % (loginData[0])
-    self.dlg = wxDialog(NULL, -1, "GNU Enterprise: Login")
-#    self.dlg.SetBackgroundColour(wxWHITE)
-    self.dlg.SetAutoLayout(true)
+    self.dlg = None
-    bmp = wxImage(GConfig.get('smallPNG'), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG).ConvertToBitmap()
-    self.textctrlList = []
-    messageField = wxStaticText(self.dlg, 1010, str(loginMesg))
-    labelList = []
-    dlgWidth = getLargest(bmp.GetWidth(), messageField.GetSize().GetWidth()+20)
-    dlgHeight = bmp.GetHeight() + messageField.GetSize().GetHeight() + 80
-    xSpacing = 0
-    ySpacing = 0
-    fieldLabelWidth = 0
-    for prompt in loginData[2]: 
-      s = wxStaticText(self.dlg, 1010, '%s:' % prompt[1])
-      labelList.append(s)
-      if prompt[2]: 
-        t = wxTextCtrl(self.dlg, -1,"",wxPoint(1, 1), wxSize(150, 20), 
+  def getLogin(self, loginData):
+    if not self.dlg:
+      if len(loginData[1]):
+        loginMesg = 'Login required for "%s"' % (loginData[1])
-        t = wxTextCtrl(self.dlg, -1,"",wxPoint(1, 1), wxSize(150, 20), 
-      myID = len(self.textctrlList)
-      self.textctrlList.append(t)
-      EVT_CHAR(t, LoginFieldHandler(self, myID).loginFieldEventTrap)
-      fieldLabelWidth = getLargest(fieldLabelWidth, \
-           s.GetSize().GetWidth() + t.GetSize().GetWidth() + 10)   
-      dlgWidth = getLargest(dlgWidth, \
-           s.GetSize().GetWidth() + t.GetSize().GetWidth() + 10)
-      xSpacing = getLargest(xSpacing, s.GetSize().GetWidth())
-      ySpacing = getLargest(ySpacing, s.GetSize().GetHeight())
-      ySpacing = getLargest(ySpacing, t.GetSize().GetHeight())
-    loginButton = wxButton(self.dlg,19998,'Login')
-    cancelButton = wxButton(self.dlg,19999,'Cancel')
-    EVT_BUTTON(self.dlg, 19998, self.loginButtonEventTrap)                
-    EVT_BUTTON(self.dlg, 19999, self.loginCancelEventTrap)                
-    dlgWidth = getLargest(dlgWidth, loginButton.GetSize().GetWidth() + 
-                          cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth() + 6) + 20
+        loginMesg = 'Login required for %s' % (loginData[0])
-    dlgHeight = dlgHeight + \
-               getLargest(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(), 
-                          cancelButton.GetSize().GetHeight()) - 6
-    firstY = bmp.GetHeight() + messageField.GetSize().GetHeight() + 50
-    lastY = firstY
-    xSpacing = xSpacing + 10   # Add whitespace between widgets
-    ySpacing = ySpacing + 6    # Add whitespace between widgets
-    xPos = dlgWidth/2 - fieldLabelWidth/2
-    # Move the fields and labels into position
-    for i in range(0, len(self.textctrlList)):
-      dlgHeight = dlgHeight + ySpacing
-      labelList[i].SetPosition(wxPoint(xPos, lastY))
-      self.textctrlList[i].SetPosition(wxPoint(xPos + xSpacing, lastY))
-      lastY = lastY + ySpacing
+      self.dlg = wxDialog(NULL, -1, "GNU Enterprise: Login")
+      self.dlg.SetAutoLayout(true)
+      bmp = wxImage(GConfig.get('smallPNG'), 
+      self.textctrlList = []
+      messageField = wxStaticText(self.dlg, 1010, str(loginMesg))
+      labelList = []
+      dlgWidth = getLargest(bmp.GetWidth(), 
+      dlgHeight = bmp.GetHeight() + messageField.GetSize().GetHeight() + 80
+      xSpacing = 0
+      ySpacing = 0
+      fieldLabelWidth = 0
+      for prompt in loginData[2]: 
+        s = wxStaticText(self.dlg, 1010, '%s:' % prompt[1])
+        labelList.append(s)
+        if prompt[2]: 
+          t = wxTextCtrl(self.dlg, -1,"",wxPoint(1, 1), wxSize(150, 20), 
+        else:
+          t = wxTextCtrl(self.dlg, -1,"",wxPoint(1, 1), wxSize(150, 20), 
+        myID = len(self.textctrlList)
+        self.textctrlList.append(t)
+        EVT_CHAR(t, LoginFieldHandler(self, myID).loginFieldEventTrap)
+        fieldLabelWidth = getLargest(fieldLabelWidth, \
+                                     s.GetSize().GetWidth() + 
t.GetSize().GetWidth() + 10)   
+        dlgWidth = getLargest(dlgWidth, \
+                              s.GetSize().GetWidth() + t.GetSize().GetWidth() 
+ 10)
+        xSpacing = getLargest(xSpacing, s.GetSize().GetWidth())
+        ySpacing = getLargest(ySpacing, s.GetSize().GetHeight())
+        ySpacing = getLargest(ySpacing, t.GetSize().GetHeight())
+      loginButton = wxButton(self.dlg,19998,'Login')
+      cancelButton = wxButton(self.dlg,19999,'Cancel')
+      EVT_BUTTON(self.dlg, 19998, self.loginButtonEventTrap)                
+      EVT_BUTTON(self.dlg, 19999, self.loginCancelEventTrap)                
+      dlgWidth = getLargest(dlgWidth, loginButton.GetSize().GetWidth() + 
+                            cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth() + 6) + 20
+      dlgHeight = dlgHeight + \
+                  getLargest(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(), 
+                             cancelButton.GetSize().GetHeight()) - 6
+      firstY = bmp.GetHeight() + messageField.GetSize().GetHeight() + 50
+      lastY = firstY
+      xSpacing = xSpacing + 10 # Add whitespace between widgets
+      ySpacing = ySpacing + 6  # Add whitespace between widgets
+      xPos = dlgWidth/2 - fieldLabelWidth/2
-    # Create and position the logo
-    wxStaticBitmap(self.dlg,-1, bmp,
-                   wxPoint((dlgWidth-bmp.GetWidth())/2, 12),
-                   wxSize(bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()))
+      # Move the fields and labels into position
+      for i in range(0, len(self.textctrlList)):
+        dlgHeight = dlgHeight + ySpacing
+        labelList[i].SetPosition(wxPoint(xPos, lastY))
+        self.textctrlList[i].SetPosition(wxPoint(xPos + xSpacing, lastY))
+        lastY = lastY + ySpacing
-    # Move the various widgets into position
-    messageField.SetPosition(
+      # Create and position the logo
+      wxStaticBitmap(self.dlg,-1, bmp,
+                     wxPoint((dlgWidth-bmp.GetWidth())/2, 12),
+                     wxSize(bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()))
+      # Move the various widgets into position
+      messageField.SetPosition(
         wxPoint(dlgWidth/2 - messageField.GetSize().GetWidth()/2,
                 30 + bmp.GetHeight()))
-    cancelButton.SetPosition(
+      cancelButton.SetPosition(
         wxPoint(dlgWidth - 10 - cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth(),
                 dlgHeight - 10 - getLargest(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
-                                          cancelButton.GetSize().GetHeight())))
-    loginButton.SetPosition(
+      loginButton.SetPosition(
         wxPoint(dlgWidth - 16 - cancelButton.GetSize().GetWidth() - \
                 dlgHeight - 10 - getLargest(loginButton.GetSize().GetHeight(),
-                                          cancelButton.GetSize().GetHeight())))
+      self.dlg.SetSize(wxSize(dlgWidth, dlgHeight))
-    self.dlg.SetSize(wxSize(dlgWidth, dlgHeight))
-    self.dlg.Refresh()
+      self.dlg.Refresh()
+      self.dlg.Fit()
+      self.dlg.Raise()
+      self.dlg.CenterOnScreen()
     # If user cancels, this will be set to 0
     self._completed = 0
-    self.dlg.Fit()
-    self.dlg.Raise()
-    self.dlg.CenterOnScreen()
-    self.dlg.Destroy()
+    #if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    #  import time
+    #  time.sleep(3)
+    #self.dlg.Destroy()
+    #self.dlg = None
     if not self._completed:
       raise GLoginHandler.UserCanceledLogin
@@ -1070,6 +1068,13 @@
   def loginCancelEventTrap(self, event):
+  #
+  # TODO: This is a hack required because windows
+  # TODO: seems to have issues with wxWindows dialogs
+  #
+  def destroyLoginDialog(self):
+    self.dlg.Destroy()
 WIDGETS = {'GFLabel'     : UILabel,

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