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Re: [cp-patches] RFC: [Patch] rewrite of classpath/gnu/java/net/protocol

From: David Daney
Subject: Re: [cp-patches] RFC: [Patch] rewrite of classpath/gnu/java/net/protocol/http/*
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 09:21:13 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6-1.1.fc3 (X11/20050720)

Chris Burdess wrote:
David Daney wrote:

As I threatened last week, I made some major changes to the package. ...

The current version reads the entire body of a HTTP response in to a memory buffer (ByteArrayResponseBodyReader) and if user code needs the content it gets a ByteArrayInputStream wrapped around the buffer.

There are several problems with this approach The main one is that if the response is larger than one half of the heap limit (a copy of the data is made so you need space for two copies) You get an OutOfMemoryError.

Indeed. A specialised implementation of both ResponseBodyReader and InputStream that does not make two copies of the byte array would solve that problem.

And related is that if the response is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE you run into the java language limit on array sizes.

True, however most current machines will run out of memory before that happens. As I said before, if you want to stream arbitrarily large entities over HTTP you would be advised to use an API specialised for the purpose (namely HTTPConnection and ResponseBodyReader).

Here is an outline of what I did:

... I did not bother to check or investigate.  ...
... More testing is probably needed.


You would probably have a better chance if you threw out all the inetlib classes and started from scratch with a pull-based client.

What are you talking about? I am not using inetlib. My client uses the standard API as published by Sun.

Let me ask you a couple of questions:

1) What do you think the purpose of Classpath is?

2) Do you think the GNU coding standards (especially sections 3.2 and 4.1) have any relevance with respect to Classpath?

These are my answers:

Classpath's purpose is to provide a free replacement for the standard java runtime libraries.

I do agree with sections 3.2 and 4.1 of the GNU coding standards. I do think that Classpath *should* be compatible with the reference implementation (Sun's). I do think that Classpath *should* be robust. It *should* "Avoid arbitrary limits ...". To do otherwise "... is not acceptable in a GNU utility."

Your responses above just don't make sense to me. You seem to be saying that because the current implementation of Classpath's HTTP code is architecturally limited, I should come up with some private re-implementation of the standard java runtime so that ... I don't know what.

When I asked for Comments I really meant about my patch. Not whether or not I should be using the standard java runtime.

David Daney

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