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[circle] Windows issues

From: Paul Campbell
Subject: [circle] Windows issues
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:06:20 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

I think I posted this the wrong direction earlier (replied to the
individual), BUT...

The "prepackaged" circle for Windows fails silently. I don't know
exactly why. This is "Circle-0.40e.pyw".

The complete (source) version does work as advertised under Windows. I got
it to run as follows:

1. Edit the installation script ( Down towards the bottom,
comment out the "/usr..." lines which refer to unix-specific files.

2. Run python install
3. Run python circle start

Strangely enough, it doesn't go into "daemon" mode as advertised. The
Windows version at least boots both the GUI and the backend regardless
of what the settings are.

Also, at least on the Windows versions, it fails whenever you press the
arrow buttons on the scroll bars silently (immediately core dumps), with
no errors. With the scroll bar "elevator" (not sure what the GTK word
for it is...the Macintosh word is "elevator"...the block that represents
the current position of the view port in reference to the entire object),
everything works fine except that there is a continuous stream of
"asserts" in the console window where circle was booted from.

I posted bugs to the bug list on these.

It seems to crash once in a while for no apparent reason as well. The
way it acts, it's as if the problem is GUI-related and nothing to do
with the backend. I say this because whenever it crashes is immediately
after clicking on a button. Whenever the backend is just "doing it's
thing", there are never any issues. And all the crashes are silent
(no error messages).

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